My name is Lavinia, and I'm an undergraduate computer science student at UCLA!
- LinkedOut (QWER Hacks 2025): A digital repository and map of queer-, BIPOC-, and otherwise minority-friendly gathering places, where users can share their local adventures holistically and shoutout their favorite spots and routes. Made with React, CSS, Leaflet, and Mapbox API. First-place winner in the Celebrate track, and birthplace of the bodacious beak brat toucan. Devpost
- NurseMatch (Fall 2024): An NLP-powered hospital-nurse matching algorithm that evaluates textual and numerical reviews to predict the hospitals best matching a travel nurse's preferences. Made with NLTK, spaCy, KNNs, and neural networks, and demoed with FastAPI and Streamlit. Designed to address the lack of transparency and public platforms in the travel nurse industry, developed as part of Break Through Tech AI Fall Studio for the startup Ask Margot.
- BruinBot (2024): An equitable AI programming resource to enhance and restructure physics lab courses (and STEM education more broadly) at UCLA, developed in collaboration with the UCLA Physical Sciences Department. Built multi-tiered permissions system for role-based access control, in use by over 100 Elegant Mind Club members. Made with MERN stack and OpenAI API.
- Scrap (CS 35L, Fall 2024): A digital scrapbooking site for users to decorate and contribute to a shared scrapbook. Made with MERN stack.
- B.L.O.B. (Hack2Impact 2024): A web game developed to educate children on healthy emotional habits, made for the nonprofit Breaking Taboo. Made with React.js, HTML/CSS, Node, MongoDB, and Insomnia. Double winner of Best Hack for Breaking Taboo and People's Choice Award. Devpost
- grasshopper (LA Hacks 2024): A social interactive web app encouraging users to go outside spontaneously and meet new people, inspired by BeReal. Made with React, Firebase, Mapbox API, and Google Gemini API. Devpost