Title : Guess the number from 1 to 10.
Goal : To guess the number correctly.
languages Used : HTML,CSS,Javascript.
The user should enter the number.The game checks whether the number generated by the system and the number user entered are same. If both the number matches.. user wins, else user looses.For each wrong answer the score get reduced from 10.Thus each user will get 10 chances to guess the correct number. For generating the random number "Math.random" and "Math.floor" Statements of JavaScript is used.
If the answer is correct a pop-up message occurs.
Number of Lines of Code: 58
Read the document attached to repository for further details about the game.
Feel free to give your opinion for further improvement.
click here to play the game : https://lavaniyamanikandan.github.io/Guessthenumber-game/