Welcome to the repository for our school project 'CryptEx'. Here you will find informations about the project and how to run.
EPSIC 2021 - ICT 183 + 150 + 133
Some informations on the project
This is a 'crypto broker/exchange platform' website.
By creating an account, our users can deposit fiat (i.e: real currencies, like USD) and trade it in exchange of crypto-currencies, like Bitcoin, Doge or Ethereum.
Crypto-currencies exchange rates are provided by Coinbase, through their "basic" API.
We offer a premium subscription which mainly removes users' transaction fees.
Through the admin portal, we (owners) can manually manage user accounts: disabling their accounts, approving or declining their bank accounts.
After trading on the platform, the users can then withdraw their money on their bank account.
Please read project-specific READMEs for more informations on the technologies we used.
When in production there is only one "test" account, which is [email protected] When in development, both admin and [email protected] are available. The password for both is 'Password123$'
This project has two sub-projects, "CryptExApi" and "CryptExFrontEnd" :
The back-end service, made with C#/ASP.NET Core. It uses Entity Framework Core with a MS-SQL database.
More in-depth documentation is available in src/back-end/CryptEx/README.md
The front-end interface, made with Angular/TypeScript.
More in-depth documentation is available in src/front-end/CryptExFrontEnd/README.md
We do not accept contributions as this is a school project (except from our teachers and classmates obviously!)
- Laurent Keusch <@laurentksh>
- Made 100% of the back-end. Made the admin, asset-convert, auth, deposit-withdraw, user and wallet modules.
- Luca Landry <@landryl986>
- Worked on the user, auth and premium module.
- Ethan Marchand <@Ethan0079>
- Made the main components (home, contact, error pages, etc.).
This project does not have a license (i.e: Copyright)
Third-party libraries (probably) requiring attributions:
- HeroIcons (MIT Licensed)
- TailwindUI (Unknown license, tailwindui.com)
... And probably some more we forgot to include.