A template consists of all the artifacts required the build a communication, across all channels (email, sms, etc), to send to a recipient.
Templates are stored and versioned in S3, and are split by type (Service, Regulatory and Marketing).
An example template in S3 could be made up of the following files:
- Email:
- Subject
- Html Body
- Text Body (optional)
- Sender (optional)
- SMS:
- Text body
Each of these files contains a handlebars template.
A template must contain template files for at least one communication channel.
This is a library that collects a comms Template from S3, returning the following:
- The contents of each template artifact
- Expanding out any references to partials
- Checking that the contents form a valid handlebars template
- The data required to fulfill the template
- Checking there are no inconsistencies, with the template identifiers, across all the template artifacts
- Checking that the template identifiers, referencing data provided by the comms platform, are correct
Using the provided (non-caching) TemplateContext, we can retrieve the details of the cc-payment-taken
communication, as follows:
import cats.data.Validated.Valid
import com.amazonaws.auth.EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
import com.ovoenergy.comms.model.{CommManifest, CommType, Service}
import com.ovoenergy.comms.templates.{TemplatesContext, TemplatesRepo}
object Example extends App {
val creds = new EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider()
val context = TemplatesContext.nonCachingContext(creds)
val manifest = CommManifest(Service, "cc-payment-taken", "0.3")
TemplatesRepo.getTemplate(context, manifest) match {
case Valid(template) =>
template.requiredData match {
case Valid(data) => println(s"The required data for the template is $data")
case invalid => println(s"Errors found in the required data $invalid")
case invalid => println(s"The template has errors $invalid")
This would yield the following output:
The required data for the template is obj(Map(currencySymbol -> string, amount -> string, date -> string, cardEnding -> string, transactionId -> string))
The various aspects of the returned CommTemplate are wrapped by the ErrorsOr data type, which is just a type alias for the Validated datatype provided by Cats.
In this way the library is able to return a list of all the errors it discovered, rather than failing fast as soon as it encounters a problem.
In build.sbt:
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("ovotech", "maven")
libraryDependencies += "com.ovoenergy" %% "comms-templates" % "see badge above for latest version"
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