Application of Gatys' neural style transfer algorithm to video.
Much of the following is lifted from Gene Kogans instructions.
Extract frames from video using ffmpeg
ffmpeg -i myMovie.mp4 -r 12 -f image2 image-%5d.jpg ffmpeg -i myMovie.mp4 rawaudio.wav
This will extract frames at 12 fps.
Install and run jcjohnsons implementation of the neural style transfer algorithm, with dependencies.
Run the neural style transfer algorithm.
th neural_style.lua -style_image myStyle.jpg -content_image image-00001.jpg -output_image generated-00001.jpg
Calculate optical flow, morph and blend in the stylized image.
python --input_1 image-00001.jpg --input_1_styled generated-00001.jpg --input_2 image-00002.jpg --output blended-00001.jpg --alpha 0.05 --flowblend False
(The flowblend option will set scale the opacity according to the amount of motion - I didn't get good results with this, so you should probably set it to false)
When all frames are blended, you can merge them back into a video by calling
ffmpeg -framerate 12 -i generated-%05d.png -i rawaudio.wav -c:v libx264 -preset veryslow -qp 0 -pix_fmt yuv420p myMovie.mp4
License: MIT