- Install JDK via sdkman https://sdkman.io/
- Heroku defaults to JDK 1.8 so this is the version that we will be using. Same version is used in Github action
- Install SBT via sdkman
- Install
https://direnv.net/docs/installation.html - Copy
file and edit values to suit your environment - Install Postgres 13.5 (default Heroku version) https://www.enterprisedb.com/downloads/postgres-postgresql-downloads
- (Optional) Use instructions from https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-scala to set up heroku client
- Install https://github.com/trobert/skunk-intellij if using Intellij
sbt test
to run all tests
sbt run App
- Visit
to verify that your app is up
To facilitate interaction with Postgres in Heroku
was created to facilitate thissbt console
to have sbt console in Local environmentheroku run sbt console
to have a sbt console in Heroku environment- Execute
in sbt console
add in sbt-native-packager plugin for Heroku- Environment variable
is to be used in heroku to bind to web server - Heroku also requires web server
to be0.0.0.0
- Heroku Postgres requires communication to be over SSL. So we have to turn on SSL for skunk session
- http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder slf4j provider must be included in build path
- Added https://github.com/typelevel/kind-projector to support higher-kinded types
- POSTMAN script to setup global variable which will be used in other request for
const token = pm.response.headers.find(h => h.key == 'Authorization').value; pm.globals.set("TOKEN", token);