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YouTube Integration

Lusamine edited this page Oct 6, 2020 · 5 revisions

YouTube Integration

NOTE: YouTube Integration only supports Distribution trades, not custom requests. This is because 1) YouTube bots get rate-limited extremely quickly and cannot be used for long periods of time, even as Distribution-only bots, and 2) whispers do not exist, so all trade codes are public and easy for others to snipe. Support for this integration is experimental at best.


Create a new YouTube Bot Application on Google's Developer Portal. You can create authorization credentials (OAuth 2.0) for your bot by following the guide here. Create OAuth 2.0 Credentials only. This is necessary for Hub Settings. Note down the Client ID and the Client Secret that you get after you create an application.

Before Starting

Paste your Bot's Client ID and Client Secret in the Hub Settings for YouTube.

Enter your own Channel ID in the Hub Settings. To find the Channel ID for your own channel, follow the instructions listed here

Follow the instructions for setting up a Distribution bot.

When you Start your bots via the GUI, the YouTube bot will be launched.


Startup Settings (Mandatory)

  • ClientID: Client ID from the OAuth 2.0 Application Credentials.
  • ClientSecret: Client Secret from the OAuth 2.0 Application Credentials.
  • ChannelID: Your own Channel ID for the bot to send messages to.
  • CommandPrefix: Prefix for the bot commands. The default is $.

Operation Settings (Optional)

  • MessageStart: Message that is sent after the countdown to trade.
  • SudoList: List of usernames that have admin powers over the bot in the YouTube chat.
  • UserBlacklist: List of usernames that cannot trade with the bot separated by commas.


Sudo Commands

Following commands assume the prefix is $

  • $pr: Reloads the distribution pool after changing Pokémon in the distribution folder. Sudo users only.
  • $pc: Returns the number of Pokémon in the distribution pool.

We recommend that you close the program (prior to running the bot for the first time) after inputting your settings so they are saved. Don't kill the process if running under a debugger like Visual Studio.

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