This is a Minecraft 1.7.10 Modpack created by kuzuanpa and many contributors, based on TFR and have huge modifications, centered around TerraFirmaCraft, GregTech6, and Advanced Rocketry. This Modpack is science-fiction and tech-oriented. You start an epic story of rescuing yourself on a miraculous life-sustainable moon - Terrafirma - of a gas giant 68.4 light years from Earth, starting with nothing, gathering natural resources, expanding a base, developing technology, exploring the expanse of the planetary system, and eventually building a warp engine to return to Earth, the sweet cozy home of mankind.
This Modpack is licensed under the Terrafirma: Rescue License.
TFRU don't provide server pack individually, please refer to here
- QQ Group (Chinese Software): 836643851
- If you love the modified parts of TFRU between TFR, You can support us via: afdian (Chinese Website)
We love to hear from ideas from players, because we are players! Apart from giving suggestions, you can directly add or change features to TFRU as it is fully open source. Thanks for Github's Pull Request system, we are able to collaborate wherever you are located.
Please read this to see how to create a Pull Request: Link
Sources of Original Mods and Modified Mods in TFRU can be found in This page
All contributors will be included in the Supporter List.
Some mods need we to claim we used them:
- Gendustry under MMPL-1.0: https://github.com/bdew-minecraft/gendustry/blob/mc1710
- Waila under CC-by-nc-sa: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/waila
- LunatriusCore-1.2.0-GTNH.jar under MIT from https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/LunatriusCore/releases
- Railcraft_1.7.10-9.15.14.jar under Custom License from https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/Railcraft, and official version page: http://railcraft.info/, wiki: http://railcraft.info/wiki/start
- shadowworld-1.3.3.jar from Web Archive
- Baubles under cc-by-sa from: https://github.com/Azanor/Baubles/blob/1.7.10
Other mods considered "Unknown" by Modrinth included in Copyright Info
这是一个基于 群峦救援 进行了大量修改的 Minecraft 1.7.10 整合包, 由苦钻怕和多位贡献者制作。这款整合包以科技为主题,围绕 群峦传说, 格雷科技6, 和 高级火箭 ,从一无所有开始,在距离地球68.4光年的一颗气态巨行星的宜居卫星——群峦星上,展开一场史诗的旅程。你需要采集自然资源,扩展基地,发展科技,探索行星系统的广阔天地,并最终建造出跃迁引擎,重返人类温馨的家园——地球。
本整合包根据 Terrafirma: Rescue License 开源
本整合包不额外提供服务端, 请参考这里进行修改
- 非官方QQ交流群: 836643851
- 如果您对非官方版修改过的部分感到满意, 可以通过 爱发电 赞助我们!
我们通过 GitHub Pull Request 处理您所添加或修改的内容。
请阅读 这个文章 了解 Pull Request 的使用!
- Gendustry under MMPL-1.0: https://github.com/bdew-minecraft/gendustry/blob/mc1710
- Waila under CC-by-nc-sa: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/waila
- LunatriusCore-1.2.0-GTNH.jar under MIT from https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/LunatriusCore/releases
- Railcraft_1.7.10-9.15.14.jar under Custom License from https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/Railcraft, and official version page: http://railcraft.info/, wiki: http://railcraft.info/wiki/start
- shadowworld-1.3.3.jar from Web Archive
- Baubles-Rebuild under cc-by-sa from: https://github.com/Azanor/Baubles/blob/1.7.10
其他被Modrinth认为未知来源的mod详见: Copyright Info