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v0.2.0: Splitted the icons

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@github-actions github-actions released this 23 Apr 05:09
· 199 commits to main since this release


  1. The project split the icon set into separate projects.
  2. The project CHANGED THE LICENSE to ease the restrictions slightly.

The DEFAULT LICENSE applied is Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0.
If you apply the MIT License, please follow one of the following conditions:

  1. This project depends on LaunchPad Icons.
    You should REMOVE this dependency.
  2. If the above is not possible, at least implement the LaunchPad Icons so
    that you DO NOT EXPOSE LaunchPad Icons on your product.


  • 114e330: ⚠️ migrated the icons to the Launchpad icons
  • a9743d1: simplified the extension


  • cafd8e3: improved the documents
  • b38acf9: ⚠️ re-licensed the dual license