The current directory contains tools for building Envoy binaries.
There is a new Makefile target build/envoy
that places an envoy
binary in build/artifacts-$GOOS-$GOARCH/envoy
Build the latest supported Envoy binary for your host OS:
$ ENVOY_TAG=v1.25.2 make build/envoy
This repository also contains terraform and a Github workflow for building Envoy in a VM.
The AWS IAM policy in policy.json
is sufficient for running the build.yaml
Github workflow.
Run the build-and-release.yaml
workflow to build binaries for linux/darwin
amd64/arm64 and additionally a FIPS version for linux/amd64 and publish a draft
Github release.
The Windows binary currently needs to be manually built and uploaded to the
release. See terraform/
for more information.