AA-Discordbot for Alliance Auth.
- Bot Framework, easily extensible with more Cogs
- Integration with Alliance Auth, able to fetch data directly from its django project.
- Channel/Direct messaging feature, with Tasks and a Queue/Consumer
- Current Cogs
- About
- !about - Bot Information and Statistics
- Auth
- !auth or /auth - A direct link to the Auth Install to catch users familiar with other bots.
- Members
- !lookup [search string] - Fetch a users Main, Affiliation, State, Groups and linked characters from any character.
- !altcorp [search string] - search for users with characters in an altcorp
- Remind
- !remindme [5s/m/h/d text] - Sets a simple non-persistent reminder timer when the bot will respond with the text
- Sov
- !vuln [context] - Returns a list of Vulnerable sov structures for a Region/Constellation/Solar_System or alliance
- !sov [context] - Returns a list of all sov structures for a Region/Constellation/Solar_System or alliance
- !lowadm - Lists sov in need of ADM-ing, context provided in settings.
- Time
- !time or /time - Returns the current EVE Time.
- Timers
- !timer - Returns the next Structure timer from allianceauth.timerboard.
- PriceCheck:
- amarr - Check an item price on Amarr market
- jita - Check an item price on Jita market
- price - Check an item price on Jita and Amarr market
- Easter Eggs,
- !happybirthday [text] - Wishes the text a happy birthday, works with user mentions
- Admin
- Slash commands to help with setting up a discord server when you are not admin or owner.
- accessed via
/admin [command]
- add_role / add_role_read / rem_role - add/remove a role to a channel
- new_channel - create a new channel and assign it a role for read access
- promote_role_to_god/demote_role_to_god - promote/demote a role to/from full admin so for when you need it
- empty_roles - list all roles on server with no members
- clear_empty_roles - remove all empty roles from the server
- orphans - find any user in discord with no auth user attached
- get_webhooks - returns any webhooks setup in this current channel, or creates one for you and returns that
- uptime - how long the bot has been up for
- About
- Update your Discord Developer Application to include the Privileged Intents that we call. Please enable all intents.
- Install the app with your venv active
pip install allianceauth-discordbot
to your INSTALLED_APPS list in local.py. -
Add the below lines to your
settings file, Changing the contexts to yours.
## Settings for Allianceauth-Discordbot
# Admin Commands
# Sov Commands
SOV_DISCORD_BOT_CHANNELS = [111, 222, 333]
# Adm Commands
ADM_DISCORD_BOT_CHANNELS = [111, 222, 333]
DISCORD_BOT_SOV_STRUCTURE_OWNER_IDS = [1000169] # Centre for Advanced Studies example
DISCORD_BOT_MEMBER_ALLIANCES = [111, 222, 333] # A list of alliances to be considered "Mains"
DISCORD_BOT_ADM_REGIONS = [10000002] # The Forge Example
DISCORD_BOT_ADM_SYSTEMS = [30000142] # Jita Example
DISCORD_BOT_ADM_CONSTELLATIONS = [20000020] # Kimitoro Example
## Insert AADiscordBot's logging into Django Logging config
LOGGING['handlers']['bot_log_file']= {
'level': 'INFO',
'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler',
'filename': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'log/discord_bot.log'),
'formatter': 'verbose',
'maxBytes': 1024 * 1024 * 5,
'backupCount': 5,
LOGGING['loggers']['aadiscordbot'] = {'handlers': ['bot_log_file'],'level': 'DEBUG'}
- Optional Settings
# configure the bots in-built cogs.
DISCORD_BOT_COGS = ["aadiscordbot.cogs.about", # about the bot
"aadiscordbot.cogs.admin", # Discord server admin helpers
"aadiscordbot.cogs.members", # Member lookup commands
"aadiscordbot.cogs.timers", # timer board integration
"aadiscordbot.cogs.auth", # return auth url
"aadiscordbot.cogs.sov", # some sov helpers
"aadiscordbot.cogs.time", # whats the time Mr Eve Server
"aadiscordbot.cogs.eastereggs", # some "fun" commands from ariel...
"aadiscordbot.cogs.remind", # very Basic in memory reminder tool
"aadiscordbot.cogs.reaction_roles" # auth group integrated reaction roles
- Add the below lines to
somewhere above theapp.autodiscover_tasks...
## Route AA Discord bot tasks away from AllianceAuth
app.conf.task_routes = {'aadiscordbot.tasks.*': {'queue': 'aadiscordbot'}}
Run migrations
python manage.py migrate
(There should be none from this app) -
Gather your static files
python manage.py collectstatic
(There should be none from this app) -
from the Git Repo into the root of your AA install, besidemanage.py
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pvyParts/allianceauth-discordbot/master/bot_conf.py
- Amend your supervisor.conf, correcting paths as required and add
to the launch group at the end of the conf
command=/home/allianceserver/venv/auth/bin/python /home/allianceserver/myauth/bot_conf.py
#This block should already exist, add authbot to it
Last but not least, go to admin and configure your admin users in the bot config model.
❗❗❗ This will bypass the Group Leadership/Join Request System: This is intended for open groups but not limited to it! ❗❗❗
The bot is able to run a reaction roles system that is compatible with auth and public users on a discord.
- If a member is part of auth it will do auth syncing of roles
- If a member is not found in auth and the reaction role message has the public flag set it will assign roles to anyone who reacts
- Setup the inital Message you wish to use buy using the command !rr
- Optional Edit the name and settings of this message in
Admin > Discord Bot > Reaction Role Messages
- React to the message with the reactions you wish to use.
- The bot will counter react to the reactions when it creates the binding in auth.
- Goto
Admin > Discord Bot > Reaction Role Bindings
- Assign the groups you want for each reaction
- Statistics
- Adds zkill Monthly/Yearly stats to !lookup
- timezones
- Updates the
command to have all timezones configured in auth.
- Updates the
You can use the send_message helper to send a message with text/embed to:
- Discord user_id
- Discord channel_id
- Auth User Model Object
- Auth user_pk
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.apps import apps
## Use a small helper to check if AA-Discordbot is installs
def discord_bot_active():
return apps.is_installed('aadiscordbot')
## Only import it, if it is installed
if discord_bot_active():
from aadiscordbot.tasks import send_message
# if you want to send discord embed import them too.
from discord import Embed, Color
## this helper can be called to Queue up a Message
## AA Should not act on these, only AA-DiscordBot will consume them
if discord_bot_active():
usr = User.objects.get(pk=1)
# discord ID of user
msg = "Channel ID Tests"
e = Embed(title="Channel ID Tests!",
description="This is a Test Embed.\n\n```Discord Channel ID```",
e.add_field(name="Test Field 1", value="Value of some kind goes here")
send_message(channel_id=639252062818926642, embed=e) # Embed
send_message(channel_id=639252062818926642, message=msg) # Message
send_message(channel_id=639252062818926642, message=msg, embed=e) # Both
# Discord ID of channel
msg = "User ID Tests"
e = Embed(title="User ID Tests!",
description="This is a Test Embed.\n\n```Discord User ID```",
e.add_field(name="Test Field 1", value="Value of some kind goes here")
send_message(user_id=318309023478972417, embed=e) # Embed
send_message(user_id=318309023478972417, message=msg) # Message
send_message(user_id=318309023478972417, message=msg, embed=e) # Both
# User model
msg = "Auth User Model Tests"
e = Embed(title="Auth User Model Tests!",
description="This is a Test Embed.\n\n```Auth User Model```",
e.add_field(name="Test Field 1", value="Value of some kind goes here")
send_message(user=usr, embed=e) # Embed
send_message(user=usr, message=msg) # Message
send_message(user=usr, message=msg, embed=e) # Both
# User PK id
msg = "Auth User PK Tests"
e = Embed(title="Auth User PK Tests!",
description="This is a Test Embed.\n\n```Auth User PK```",
e.add_field(name="Test Field 1", value="Value of some kind goes here")
send_message(user_pk=1, embed=e) # Embed
send_message(user_pk=1, message=msg) # Message
send_message(user_pk=1, message=msg, embed=e) # Both
# Mixture of all of the above
msg = "All Together Tests"
e = Embed(title="All Together Tests!",
description="This is a Test Embed.\n\n```All Together```",
e.add_field(name="Test Field 1", value="Value of some kind goes here")
In auth_hooks.py
, define a function that returns an array of cog modules, and register it as a discord_cogs_hook
def register_cogs():
return ["yourapp.cogs.cog_a", "yourapp.cogs.cog_b"]
Please remember to report any aa-discordbot related issues using the issues on this repository.
Something has gone funny with my venv after i installed another app that wanted discord.py
This is due to the Py-cord lib sharing the discord
namespace. Py-Cord is however a drop in replacement. So no issues should arise from using it over the now legacy discord.py lib. YMMV
- Uninstall
by runningpip uninstall discord.py
with your venv active. - Reinstall
by runningpip install -U py-cord==2.0.0b3
with your venv active. - Approach the dev from the app that overrode your py-cord to update to a maintained lib.