- Docker
- Dotnet
- Powershell
- run PowerShell command line
- clone repository
- navigate to repository
- execute script
- navigate to http://localhost:8080/swagger
- test the endpoint that is presented
- run PowerShell command line
- clone repository
- navigate to repository
- execute script
- execute
- execute
cd .\src\Host\
- execute
dotnet run
- navigate to http://localhost:8080/swagger
- test the endpoint that is presented
- usage of this API can be big, so I assumed that can be scaled horizontally (that's why I added Redis as a storage)
- only one background worker is fetching data per single time interval (haven't implemented it sadly)
- api supports only one list: "best stories"
- calls to Hacker News API can be limited by configuration (configurable rate limiting when loading data)
- handling errors of http client gathering data from Hacker News API (timeouts, other...)
- some E2E tests with IApiClient returning mock data (Wiremock or replaced implementation)
- unit tests covering:
- storage
- fetching mechanics
- better logging (without such a spam from http clients)
- potentially query cached?
- background job running only on one instance of the service if there are many (so that only one sync is executed)
- more flexible query if required in terms of filters / text search / don't know
- add dashboard with metrics (but it really depends on the platform, where it could be deployed)
- rearrange storage if needed, so that it can be browsed more flexibly, currently there is only one list that can be browsed
- any security if needed
- CI/CD is missing
- assuming that the destination could be an Azure App Service then some deployment files (I wanted to use Terraform or Azure templates)
- SSL?