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Kruvcraft edited this page Apr 29, 2023 · 2 revisions

Main functions

This Module has 6 functions

  • Il2cpp() - This function takes one argument, only a table. Without this function, the module will not work correctly.
  • Il2cpp.FindMethods() - Searches for a method, or rather information on the method, by name or by offset, you can also send an address in memory to it.
  • Il2cpp.FindClass() - Searches for a class by name or by memory address.
  • Il2cpp.PatchesAddress() - Patch Bytescodes to add
  • Il2cpp.FindObject() - Searches for an object by name or by class address, in memory. In some cases, the function may return an incorrect result for certain classes. For example, sometimes the garbage collector may not have time to remove an object from memory and then a fake object will appear or for a turnover, the object may still be not implemented or not created.
  • Il2cpp.FindFields() - Searches for a field, or rather information about the field, by name or by address in memory.
  • Il2cpp.String.From() - If you pass a pointer to a string, this function will return you a table that has the necessary tools to work with utf16 encoded strings.

How to use

Il2cpp.FindClass and Il2cpp.FindMethods

As an example, I want to get information about the class and about the methods Method2 and Method1 :



print(Il2cpp.FindMethods({'Method2', 'Method1'}))

    [1] = {
        [1] = {
            ['AddressInMemory'] = '512AAFFF',
            ['MethodInfoAddress'] = , -- some number
            ['ClassName'] = 'MyClass',
            ['ClassAddress'] = '',-- some number in hex
            ['MethodName'] = 'Method2',
            ['Offset'] = '12AAFFF',
            ['ParamCount'] = 0,
            ['ReturnType'] = 'void',
            ['IsStatic'] = false,
            ['IsAbstract'] = false,
            ['Access'] = 'public',
    [2] = {
        [1] = {
            ['AddressInMemory'] = '51234FFF',
            ['MethodInfoAddress'] = , -- some number
            ['ClassName'] = 'MyClass',
            ['ClassAddress'] = '',-- some number in hex
            ['MethodName'] = 'Method1',
            ['Offset'] = '1234FFF',
            ['ParamCount'] = 0,
            ['ReturnType'] = 'int',
            ['IsStatic'] = false,
            ['IsAbstract'] = false,
            ['Access'] = 'public',

print(Il2cpp.FindClass({{Class = 'MyClass', MethodsDump = true, FieldsDump = true}}))

    [1] = {
        [1] = {
            ['ClassAddress'] = '',-- some number in hex
            ['ClassName'] = 'MyClass',
            ['ClassNameSpace'] = '',
            ['StaticFieldData'] = , -- some number
            ['IsEnum'] = false,
            ['TypeMetadataHandle'] = , -- some number
            ['InstanceSize'] = 20,
            ['Token'] = '',-- some number in hex
            ['ImageName'] = , -- the name of the image where the class is located
            ['Fields'] = {
                [ 1] = { -- table(19d60b2)
                    ['ClassName'] = 'MyClass',
                    ['ClassAddress'] = '',-- some number in hex
                    ['IsStatic'] = true,
                    ['FieldName'] = 'instance',
                    ['Offset'] = '0',
                    ['Type'] = 'MyClass',
                    ['IsConst'] = false,
                    ['Access'] = 'private',
                [ 2] = { -- table(f249803)
                    ['ClassName'] = 'MyClass',
                    ['ClassAddress'] = '',-- some number in hex
                    ['IsStatic'] = false,
                    ['FieldName'] = 'field1',
                    ['Offset'] = '4',
                    ['Type'] = 'int',
                    ['IsConst'] = false,
                    ['Access'] = 'public',
                [ 3] = { -- table(e37d380)
                    ['ClassName'] = 'MyClass',
                    ['ClassAddress'] = '',-- some number in hex
                    ['IsStatic'] = false,
                    ['FieldName'] = 'field2',
                    ['Offset'] = 'C',
                    ['Type'] = 'string',
                    ['IsConst'] = false,
                    ['Access'] = 'public',
            ['Methods'] = {
                [ 1] = { -- table(8922eec)
                    ['AddressInMemory'] = '51234FFF',
                    ['MethodInfoAddress'] = , -- some number
                    ['ClassName'] = 'MyClass',
                    ['ClassAddress'] = '',-- some number in hex
                    ['MethodName'] = 'Method1',
                    ['Offset'] = '1234FFF',
                    ['ParamCount'] = 0,
                    ['ReturnType'] = 'int',
                    ['IsStatic'] = false,
                    ['IsAbstract'] = false,
                    ['Access'] = 'public',
                [ 2] = { -- table(71212b5)
                    ['AddressInMemory'] = '512AAFFF',
                    ['MethodInfoAddress'] = , -- some number
                    ['ClassName'] = 'MyClass',
                    ['ClassAddress'] = '',-- some number in hex
                    ['MethodName'] = 'Method2',
                    ['Offset'] = '12AAFFF',
                    ['ParamCount'] = 0,
                    ['ReturnType'] = 'void',
                    ['IsStatic'] = false,
                    ['IsAbstract'] = false,
                    ['Access'] = 'public',
                [ 3] = { -- table(71212b5)
                    ['AddressInMemory'] = '512A1435',
                    ['MethodInfoAddress'] = , -- some number
                    ['ClassName'] = 'MyClass',
                    ['ClassAddress'] = '',-- some number in hex
                    ['MethodName'] = 'Start',
                    ['Offset'] = '12A1435',
                    ['ParamCount'] = 0,
                    ['ReturnType'] = 'void',
                    ['IsStatic'] = false,
                    ['IsAbstract'] = false,
                    ['Access'] = 'public',

local Method1 = Il2cpp.FindMethods({'Method1'})[1]
for k,v in ipairs(Method1) do
    if v.ClassName == 'MyClass' then 

this code changes will change the method "Method1", so that it constantly returns 1


51234FFF 20008052 mov w0,#0x1
51235003 C0035FD6 ret



Example of how Il2cpp.FindFields() works:




    [1] = {
        [1] = {
            ['ClassName'] = 'MyClass',
            ['ClassAddress'] = '',-- some number in hex
            ['FieldName'] = 'field1',
            ['Offset'] = '4', -- hex
            ['IsConst'] = false,
            ['IsStatic'] = false,
            ['Type'] = 'int',
            ['IsConst'] = false,
            ['Access'] = 'public',


Without the Il2cpp() function, some functions will not work, since this function remembers or finds the location and global-metadata.dat. You can also specify the version of Il2cpp, this will be required in cases where the module cannot determine the version itself.

Example of using this function:

-- in this case, "Il2cpp()" will find all the data it needs, maybe...

-- in this case, "Il2cpp()" will find and remember the location by itself" ", which was given to him.
local libil2cpp = {start = 0x1234, ['end'] = 0x8888}

Il2cpp({libil2cpp = libil2cpp}) 
-- or
Il2cpp{libil2cpp = {start = 0x1234, ['end'] = 0x8888}}

-- in this case, "Il2cpp()" will remember the location " " and "global-metadata.dat", which were passed to him.
local globalmetadata = {start = 0x9888, ['end'] = 0x14888}

Il2cpp({libil2cpp = libil2cpp, globalmetadata = globalmetadata})
-- or
    libil2cpp = {start = 0x1234, ['end'] = 0x8888}, 
    globalmetadata = {start = 0x9888, ['end'] = 0x14888}

-- in this case, the module will remember the "Il2cpp" version
Il2cpp({il2cppVersion = 27})
-- or
    il2cppVersion = 27

-- in this case, the module will remember "globalMetadataHeader"
Il2cpp({globalMetadataHeader = globalmetadata.start})
-- or
Il2cpp{globalMetadataHeader = globalmetadata.start}

-- in this case, the module will remember "metadataRegistration"
Il2cpp({metadataRegistration = 0x123142})
-- or
Il2cpp{metadataRegistration = 0x123142}

Processing of module execution results

It is worth talking about processing the results of the module.

If the search fails, the functions will return a table with an error. Therefore, I recommend using ipairs to work with search results, but pairs can also be used, only you will have to check the key coming for processing. Otherwise, you may get a missing field error.


local searchResult = Il2cpp.FindMethods({'Method2', 'Method1', 'method does not exist'})

for k,v in ipairs(searchResult[1]) do

-- output

for k,v in pairs(searchResult[2]) do
    if k ~= 'Error' then print(v.ClassName) end

-- output

for k,v in pairs(searchResult[3]) do

-- output

Memorizing Il2cpp Search Result

Memorizing Il2cpp Search Result is a special simple system to speed up the module. It remembers the search results.

It is worth noting that any call to the Il2cpp() function will reset this system.