Code to perform pixel-wise labeling of whole-slide images.
- FCN - All 3 (FCN8s) stream variants
- U-Net - With optional deconvolution and batchnorm
- pytorch >=0.3.0
- torchvision ==0.2.0
- visdom >=1.0.1 (for loss and results visualization)
- scipy
- tqdm
pip install -r requirements.txt
To train the model :
python [-h] [--img_rows [IMG_ROWS]] [--img_cols [IMG_COLS]]
[--n_epoch [N_EPOCH]] [--batch_size [BATCH_SIZE]]
[--l_rate [L_RATE]]
--img_rows Height of the input image
--img_cols Width of the input image
--n_epoch # of the epochs
--batch_size Batch Size
--l_rate Learning Rate