Stop installing the entire development stack on your local machine. This project will allow you to quickly start working with php. To install, you need to install docker locally.
- Simple and clear project structure;
- Php the latest version 8.1 (can be changed if you need);
- All necessary php extensions including composer and xDebug3;
- Output all necessary logs (nginx, php, mysql, redis, supervisor), including slow mysql queries;
- Supervisor support
- Quick, easy setup for everything you need
- Lots of useful examples
- Docker Engine
- Docker Compose
- Docker Machine (Mac and Windows only)
To run the docker commands without using sudo you must add the docker group to your-user:
sudo usermod -aG docker your-user
For now, this project has been mainly created for Unix (Linux/MacOS)
. Perhaps it could work on Windows.
curl -L | bash
# Or if you want it to be installed to a different path:
curl -L | bash -s mypath/
Clone current project:
git clone && cd lamp-docker-php-skeleton
Create .env file from .env_example:
cp .env_example .env
make init
Fill configuration in .env file
Run bottom command for install application
make install
If you not change NGINX_HOST and NGINX_PORT in .env open in browser localhost
And you should see something like:
This file helps to quickly interact with the work of docker and additional features.
Read about available commands make help
init Init skeleton settings
help List of all commands in make file
install Install application
add-host Add nginx host to /etc/hosts file
bash Exec backend container
build Build docker-compose
build-no-cache Build docker-compose without cache
up Up with demon docker containers
down Down docker containers
stop Stop docker containers
clear-all-logs Clear all logs in folder /logs
clear-logs-in folder=[FOLDER] Clear logs in folder
watch-log logFilePath=[PATH TO LOG FILE] Watch log file
├── docker - [Docker settings]
│ ├── backend
│ │ ├── Dockerfile
│ │ ├── php
│ │ │ └── conf.d
│ │ │ ├── php.ini
│ │ │ └── xdebug.ini
│ │ └── supervisor
│ │ ├── conf.d
│ │ │ └── example.conf
│ │ └── supervisord.conf
│ ├── mysql
│ │ └── conf.d
│ │ └── my.cnf
│ └── nginx
│ └── nginx.conf
├── docker-compose.yml
├── logs - [All necessary logs are written here]
└── src - [Your workspace]
Project links (Default:
You can also read more information about the project
Doc | README |
xDebug configuration | docs/ |
Code sniffer configuration | docs/ |
For support, email [email protected] or telegram @krep1sh