Attempting to create a reference app with Ionic 1, Angular 1, Redux, and Typescript
Provide for the following:
- testability
- intuitive development
- uni-directional dataflow
- does it make debugging easier?
- "" updating the app easier?
- consolidate application state
Ionic : Easy to use, cross-platform mobile app styling with many, mature components. Orginally wanted to try Ionic 2, but it's still missing some key components, such as Virtual Scroll/List
Angular 1 : It's a dependency of Ionic and also a mature framework with huge community support and history.
Redux : Appears to be the winner in uni-directional dataflow and reduces the boilerplate that you would normally end up creating on your own with standard Flux implementations.
Install NodeJS
npm update npm -g
npm install bower -g
npm install ionic -g
npm install cordova -g
npm install gulp-cli -g
npm install
npm install typings -g
typings install
bower install
ionic serve
: Create http server, launch web browser with live reload, and watch for changes