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KWoC Backend v2.0

Backend, revamped.
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Kharagpur Winter of Code · Frontend · Endpoint Docs

Table of Contents


Setting Up Locally

  • Install Go.
  • Install Docker.
  • Clone this repository.
  • Run go mod download in the cloned repository to download all the dependencies.
  • Create a .env file to store all the environment variables. You can use the .env.template file for this.
  • Run docker compose up -d to start the PostgreSQL database container. (Make sure all the required environment variables are set)
  • Optionally set up Github OAuth to test the endpoints which require login. (See also: Endpoints)
  • Run go run cmd/backend.go to start the server.
  • Optionally install pgAdmin or DBeaver or a similar tool to help manage the local database (PostgreSQL).
  • Optionally install Postman or a similar tool to test the API endpoints.
  • Optionally (but recommended) set up pre-commit hooks.

Setting Up Pre-Commit Hooks

  • Check if golangci-lint is installed. If not, install from golangci-lint.
  • Run git config core.hooksPath .githooks, see core.hooksPath.


  • Install all the dependencies using go mod tidy or go mod download.
  • Run go build cmd/backend.go to build the server executable. The executable file will be named backend.

File Naming Convention

See also File Structure.

  1. Test Files: Tests for a particular file.go are placed in the tests directory in a file named file_test.go.
  2. Model Files: Database models are placed in the models directory. Each file corresponds to one table in the database, and the name of the file corresponds with the name of the database table.


See also File Naming Convention.

All controllers except /oauth/ are tested. New controllers should include tests. For controllers, not only successes but failures should also be tested.

The file tests/common_test.go exports functions commonly used in controller tests.

Project Structure

Libraries Used

File Structure

├── cmd
│   ├── backend.go
│   └── ...
├── controllers
│   ├── index.go
│   └── ...
├── server
│   ├── router.go
│   ├── routes.go
│   └── ...
├── models
│   ├── mentors.go
│   └── ...
├── utils
│   ├── database.go
│   └── ...
└── middleware
    ├── logger.go
    └── ...
  • cmd: Contains executable files, including the entry point of the server (backend.go).
  • controllers: Contains controllers for the endpoints. (See also Endpoints)
  • server: Contains the router logic and routes.
  • models: Contains KWoC database models.
  • utils: Contains misc functions like database utils.
  • middleware: Contains all middleware.


The documentation for the endpoints can be found here.

The endpoints documentation is generated through annotations using the swagger_docs.yml workflow. The generated documentation is saved in the docs branch.

For generating the Swagger specification, swag is used, and redocly is used to create the visually appealing webpage that is hosted on GitHub Pages.

To customize the rendering of the documentation, you can edit the docs/redocly.yaml.

Please avoid directly pushing to the docs branch.

To write annotations for the endpoints, you can refer to swag

Note: For the endpoints which require login with JWT Please include Security annotations like this

// @Security JWT


The middleware/ directory contains all the middleware used in the server. The middleware is used in the server/routes.go and server/router.go files. The following middleware is exported under the middleware package.

All middleware takes an http.Handler function as an argument and returns the wrapper http.Handler function.


File: middleware/logger.go

Logs information regarding the incoming request and the time taken to handle the request.


File: middleware/login.go

Handles login/authentication for requests. Requests must include the Bearer key in the header with the JWT string for login.

The middleware responds to invalid/unauthenticated requests and only passes valid requests to the inner function. The middleware adds the logged-in user's username to the request's context.

A constant LOGIN_CTX_USERNAME_KEY exported by the middleware is the key for the login username in the request's context.

login_username := r.Context().Value(middleware.LOGIN_CTX_USERNAME_KEY).(string)


File middleware/wrap.go

Adds an instance of the App struct (defined in the same file) to the requests' context. This struct contains the database (*gorm.DB) used by the server.

A constant APP_CTX_KEY exported by the middleware is the key used to access the App.

app := r.Context().Value(middleware.APP_CTX_KEY).(*middleware.App)
db := app.Db


The utils/ directory contains utility functions reused in multiple controllers. (See also: File Structure)


File: utils/database.go

Contains utilities related to database handling.

  • GetDB(): Connects to the database and returns a *gorm.DB.
  • MigrateModels(): Automigrates database models.


File: utils/json.go

Contains utilities for handling of JSON body of request and response.

  • DecodeJSONBody(): Decodes the JSON body of an HTTP request.
  • RespondWithJson(): Takes a response struct and responds to with the JSON string of the response with the appropriate headers set.
  • RespondWithHTTPMessage(): Takes a status code and a message string and responds with the specified status code and message, and JSON-encodes the response.


File: utils/jwt.go

Contains utilities for handling JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).

  • ParseLoginJwtString(): Parses a JWT string used for login and returns the claims.
  • GenerateLoginJwtString(): Generates a JWT string used for login using the given claims.


File utils/log.go

Contains functions for logging information, warnings, and errors encountered during the handling of an HTTP request in a consistent manner.

  • LogInfo(): Logs an information message with information regarding the HTTP request that triggered the log.
  • LogWarn(): Logs a warning with information regarding the HTTP request that triggered the warning.
  • LogWarnAndRespond(): Logs a warning, same as the LogWarn() function, and responds to the HTTP request with the warning message.
  • LogErr(): Logs an error with an error message and information regarding the HTTP request that triggered the error.
  • LogErrAndRespond(): Logs an error, same as the LogErr() function, and responds to the HTTP request with the error message.


File: utils/oauth.go

Contains functions for authenticating a user via Github OAuth. (See also: Web application flow - Github OAuth Docs)

  • GetOauthAccessToken(): Gets an access token from the Github API using the given code generated during the authentication process. (See this for more information)
  • GetOauthUserInfo(): Gets basic information about the user from the Github API using an access token. (See: this for more information)

Database Models

The models/ directory contains database models for the KWoC database tables. (See also: File Structure and File Naming Convention)


  • Table: mentors
  • Structure:
    • name (string): Name of the mentor.
    • email (string): Email of the mentor.
    • username (string): Username of the mentor.


  • Table: projects
  • Structure:
    • name (string): Name of the project.
    • description (string): Description for the project.
    • tags (string): A list of tags for the project.
    • comm_channel (string): A link to the project's official communication channel.
    • readme_link (string): A link to the project's README file.
    • project_status (bool): Whether the project is approved.
    • status_remark (string): Message that states the reason for rejection/suggested changes for project approval
    • last_pull_time (int64): The timestamp of merging the last tracked pull request (for statistics).
    • commit_count (uint): The number of commits contributed to this project during KWoC.
    • pull_count (uint): The number of pull requests contributed to this project during KWoC.
    • lines_added (uint): The number of lines added to this project during KWoC.
    • lines_removed (uint): The number of lines removed from this project during KWoC.
    • contributors (string): A list of usernames of students who contributed to the project during KWoC, separated by comma(,).
    • pulls (string): A list of links to pull requests contributed to the project during KWoC, separated by a comma(,).
    • mentor_id (int32): The ID of the project's primary mentor.
    • secondary_mentor_id (int32): The ID of the project's secondary mentor.


  • Table: stats
  • Structure:
    • total_commit_count (uint): The total number of commits contributed during KWoC.
    • total_pull_count (uint): The total number of pull requests contributed during KWoC.
    • total_lines_added (uint): The number of lines added during KWoC.
    • total_lines_removed (uint): The number of lines removed during KWoC.


  • Table: students
  • Structure:
    • name (string): The name of the KWoC student.
    • email (string): The email of the KWoC student.
    • college (string): The college in which the KWoC student is enrolled.
    • username (string): The username of the KWoC student.
    • passed_mid_evals (bool): Whether the student has passed the mid-evals.
    • passed_end_evals (bool): Whether the student has passed the end-evals.
    • blog_link (string): A link to the student's final KWoC blog.
    • commit_count (uint): The number of commits contributed by the student during KWoC.
    • pull_count (uint): The number of pull requests contributed by the student during KWoC.
    • lines_added (uint): The number of lines added by the student during KWoC.
    • lines_removed (uint): The number of lines removed by the student during KWoC.
    • languages_used (string): A list of languages used by the student in KWoC contributions, separated by comma(,).
    • projects_worked (string): A list of IDs of projects the student contributed to during KWoC.
    • pulls (string): A list of links to pull requests contributed by the student during KWoC, separated by a comma(,).

Command-Line Arguments

The following command-line arguments are accepted by cmd/backend.go. --argument=value, --argument value, -argument=value, and -argument value are all acceptable formats to pass a value to the command-line argument.

  • envFile: A file to load environment variables from. (Default: .env)

Environment Variables

Environment variables can be set using a .env (See Command-Line Arguments to use a different file) file. The following variables are used. (See the .env.template file for an example)

  • BACKEND_PORT: The port on which the backend server runs. (Default: 8080)
  • DATABASE_USERNAME: The username used to log into the database.
  • DATABASE_PASSWORD: The password used to log into the database.
  • DATABASE_NAME: The name of the database to log into.
  • DATABASE_HOST: The host/url used to log into the database.
  • DATABASE_PORT: The port used to log into the database.
  • GH_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: The client id used for Github OAuth. (See Github OAuth)
  • GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: The client secret used for Github OAuth. (See Github OAuth)
  • JWT_SECRET_KEY: The secret key used to create a JWT token. (It can be a randomly generated string)
  • JWT_VALIDITY_TIME: The amount of time (in hours) for which the generated JWT tokens should be valid.
  • REGISTRATIONS_OPEN: Set to true to enable the registration endpoints.
  • REPORT_SUBMISSION_OPEN: Set to true to enable the blog link / final report submission endpoint.

Github OAuth

KWoC uses Github OAuth for authentication instead of passwords.

How It Works

KWoC follows the web application workflow for authorizing OAuth apps.

  1. The frontend redirects users to the OAuth login page.
  2. The user is redirected to the frontend with a temporary code.
  3. The frontend makes a request to the /oauth/ endpoint with the code.
  4. The backend obtains the user's username, name (if available), and email (if available) from the Github API using the code.
  5. The backend registers the user in the database and generates a JWT for authentication.
  6. This generated JWT is stored in the local storage by the frontend and sent with the Bearer header in subsequent requests to endpoints that require login/registration.

Setting Up OAuth

To set up the KWoC server, a Github OAuth application has to be created, and the client id and secret have to be set in the environment variables.

  • Follow this documentation to create an OAuth app. Use the kossiitkgp organization account in the production server to create the application.
  • Set the Homepage URL to and the authorization callback URL to in the production application.
  • Copy the client ID and the client secret (this should NEVER be made public) and set the GH_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables to these values.

Please update this documentation if you make changes to the KWoC backend or any other part of KWoC which affects the backend. Future humans will praise you.