- Run docker with all images:
docker compose up -d
- Load sensor data to Orion-LD
- Open any bpmb (getData, getDataAllInOne, getDataMultipleAllInOne), deploy and run it. IMPORTANT On the Service task, Connector input. url you need to specify the endpoint to access the data ie http://ed-orion-ld:1026/ngsi-ld/v1/entities/urn:ngsi-ld:ed:ieq1 . On our example the Orion-LD is running on the ed-orion-ld:1026, see docker-compose.yml -> container_name
- Open the log file of the camunda container to see the output. For "getData.bpmn" it should be like
Keys: [id, temperature, type]
Values: [urn:ngsi-ld:ed:TemperatureSensor1, [observedAt:2023-09-16T17:06:49.000Z, type:Property, unitCode:CEL, value:10], TemperatureSensor]
Value for 'temperature': 10
Values TemperatureSensor1: 10
- See camunda_rest.gif
The process is a simple if statement to test the interaction with Orion-LD
- Set temperature of urn:ngsi-ld:ed:TemperatureSensor1 at 50oC with command from orionLD_Cammands.md or postman
- Run the "simpleIf.bpmn" and open the instance in Camunda Cockpit
- Raise the temperature to 1000oC by running command from orionLD_Cammands.md or postman
- The presses finish
The process is a simple GET and POST message from/to Orion-LD The temperature is increasing by 1oC every iteration and also the current timestamp is send
- Set temperature of urn:ngsi-ld:ed:TemperatureSensor1 at 50oC with command from orionLD_Cammands.md or postman
- Run the "add1DegreeToTemperature.bpmn" and open the instance in Camunda Cockpit
- Get the current temperature by running command from orionLD_Cammands.md or postman
- The presses finish