For CIRCULOOS data model we will utilize components of the Smart Data Models
@context file is needed from Orion-LD to correctly link the data
- Go to Smart Data models and find select the data models that you need
- From each model, copy the RAW URL of the context.jsonld ie for - Create a new json file with one line per data model ie for device: "dataModel.Device": "",
- Upload it on-line (github or webserver)
- Go to Generate a local @context
- Save the json file and check for conflicts
See files under folder custom_data_model.
- Edit schema.json and all files in /examples to represent the new schema
- Upload it to Git or webserver
- For generating the model.yaml Edit and run utils/, Line 129: schemaUrl="" to point to the repository or webserver of the custom_data_model folder
- Move generated yaml to custom_data_model and sync with Git or webserver
- For generating the Edit and run utils/ L230: customRepository="" to point to the repository or webserver of the custom_data_model folder
- Copy generated file to custom_data_model/doc
- For generating the context.jsonld Edit and run, L323: customRepository="" to point to the repository or webserver of the custom_data_model folder
- For updating the url for each properties with the SmartDataModel webpage. Run
You can use the docker-compose.yml file located on the utils folder for a local webserver based on NGINX
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Fiware dictionary/terms with for data models: