Este proyecto está basado en una plantilla-portfolio de imágenes y bocetos de p5.js llevado a cabo por Benjamin Habert.
- free hosting using github-pages
- homepage with all your projects represented as thumbnails
- simple file structure: each project has is own directory in
containing all the files for this project. - simple galleries of pictures
- easy to manage list of dependencies if you want to create projects using other
libraries than
. - live-reload activated in development environment (just run
jekyll serve
, modify a file and the browser auto-realoads to take into acount the changed).
Assuming that you already have a github account:
fork this repository. This will create a copy of all the code in a new repository<your_username>/jekyll-p5-portfolio/settings
go to the settings of your newly created repository.
- at the top of the page change the name of the repository:
and hit rename - In the Github Pages section select
master branch
as the source and hit save.
- at the top of the page change the name of the repository:
the website is now available at https://<your_username><cool_name>/ (this might take a minute).
You might want to change the website name or add a link to your twitter account.
Edit the _config.yml
file. You can do this either using github interface or by cloning
the repository on your machine and pushing the changes back to the master branch. The following
fields can be edited:
title: Your awesome title
email: [email protected]
description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this
line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for
Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.
baseurl: "/jekyll-p5-portfolio" # replace with "/<cool_name" : the name of your repository
twitter_username: jekyllrb
github_username: <your_username>
You can change the content of the file
to give info about yourself or your project.
You can replace the content of
(this file). In particular you should link to your own
repository in the Live Demo section.
The easiest point to start is to create a copy of the directory simple_sketch
in the folder _projects
with a new directory name.
- replace the content of
with a new code that you wrote. - create a thumbnail picture for you sketch (advice: use only square pictures as thumbnails) and
save it in
- edit the content of
, especially the beginning of the file (front-matter). Do not removep5
from the list of dependencies.
layout: post
title: "<title of the post>"
date: <today's date with format 2017-07-25>
thumbnail: <my_thumbnail.png>
- p5
Warning: make sure that your p5 script is properly linked to a div
element in your post. See
for more info.
Once you are done modifying the project, commit your changes. Github will automatically update the home page to include your new project. The home page shows the projetcs' thumbnails and lists them by date from most to least recent.
Each post in the template project explains a simple feature of this portfolio. Browse the live website for more infos.
This portfolio website was build using jekyll (see here for installation). The easiest way to add new content to your portfolio is to download the website, edit locally and send the updated version to github. In the terminal:
$ git clone<your_username>/<cool_name>.git
$ cd <cool_name>
$ jekyll serve # this will serve the website locally at http://localhost:4000/<cool_name>/
You can modify the files in _projects/
; your browser should update to reflect the changes.
Once you are done modifying files and want to update the actual website:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "new p5 project added on the website"
$ git push
Once you push changes to the remote repository (on the master
branch), github will update
the actual website.
name: p5 element: <script src="" integrity="sha512-rCZdHNB0AePry6kAnKAVFMRfWPmUXSo+/vlGtrOUvhsxD0Punm/xWbEh+8vppPIOzKB9xnk42yCRZ5MD/jvvjQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
name: p5.sound element: <script src="" integrity="sha512-WzkwpdWEMAY/W8WvP9KS2/VI6zkgejR4/KTxTl4qHx0utqeyVE0JY+S1DlMuxDChC7x0oXtk/ESji6a0lP/Tdg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
name: flexbox element:
name: live element: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
name: p5 element: <script src="" integrity="sha512-WJXVjqeINVpi5XXJ2jn0BSCfp0y80IKrYh731gLRnkAS9TKc5KNt/OfLtu+fCueqdWniouJ1ubM+VI/hbo7POQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
name: p5.sound element: <script src="" integrity="sha512-WzkwpdWEMAY/W8WvP9KS2/VI6zkgejR4/KTxTl4qHx0utqeyVE0JY+S1DlMuxDChC7x0oXtk/ESji6a0lP/Tdg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
name: flexbox element:
name: live element: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>