My contributions to TidyTuesday, a weekly social data project
The data I collected on American Idol (repo here) was used for week 30, 2024-07-23, of TidyTuesday!
Check it out here and all the amazing visualizations people made that week at #TidyTuesday on X/Twitter and Mastodon.
2023-10-10 - Haunted Places
Shiny application here
2022-06-25 - Pride Donations
The data I wrangled on American Kennel Club dog breeds (repo here) was used for week 5, 2022-02-01, of TidyTuesday!
Check it out here and all the amazing visualizations people made that week at #TidyTuesday on Twitter.
2022-01-25 - Board Games
2022-01-11 - Bee Colony losses
2021-12-14 - Starbucks drinks
2021-12-14 - Spice Girls
2021-07-27 - The Olympics
2021-06-29 - Animal Rescues
2021-06-23 - Park Access
2021-05-25 - Mario Kart 64 World Records
2021-05-11 - U.S Broadband
2021-04-13 - Post Offices
2021-03-16 - Video Games
2021-03-02 - Superbowl Ads
2021-02-16 - DuBois Challenge
2021-01-19 - Kenya Census
2021-01-12 - Tate Art Collection
interactive plot here
2020-12-08 - Women of 2020
2020-12-01 - Toronto Shelters
2020-11-10 - Historical Phone Usage
- Data
- Replicated plot from Our World in Data