gvSIG Online is a platform for the publication and management of geographic information, by providing an integrated interface for publishing new layers, defining symbology, creating new mapviewers and defining permissions for each published resource. gvSIG Online is a web application written in Python using the Django framework. It integrates with Geoserver and optionally also with Geonetwork.
gvSIG Online has been developed by Scolab and the gvSIG Association and it is available under the Affero GPL license.
The user manual is available online in our demo server. It is generated from the sources contained under the docs subfolder.
There is also a number of online presentations and videos about the gvSIG Online platform and how it has been applied for very different scenarios and organization types:
- gvSIG Online: solution for SDI in Open Source software (1st gvSIG Festival)
- Emergency management and prevention with gvSIG Online (3rd gvSIG Festival)
- gvSIG Online, la plataforma de infraestructura de datos espaciales y SIG corporativo en software libre (Spanish)
- Herramientas de gestión de gvSIG Online (Spanish)
- gvSIG Online: la solución gvSIG para Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (Spanish) (11as Jornadas Int. gvSIG)
Warning: this section is a work in progress.
gvSIG Online has been tested on CentOS 7 and Debian 8.
git clone https://github.com/gvSIGAssociation/gvsig-online.git
cd gvsigol
# include the default styles and welcome page
ln -s ../app_dev/gvsigol_app_dev
# include edition plugin
ln -s ../plugin_edition/gvsigol_plugin_edition
# do a ln -s for each plugin you want to use
The following libraries must be installed:
sudo aptitude install python-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
(The command above is valid for Debian 8).
gvSIG Online requires Geoserver and Postgres (with PostGIS) to be installed on the system. LDAP is not mandatory, but it makes gvSIG Online much more useful. Please refer to the documentation of these projects to install them.
sudo aptitude install python-virtualenv virtualenvwrapper python-pip
cd /home/user
mkdir virtualenvs
cd virtualenvs
virtualenv gvsigonline
These commands will create a virtual env in the path /home/user/virtualenvs/gvsigonline
Now we need to activate the virtual env.
cd /home/user/virtualenvs/gvsigonline
source bin/activate
Then we can start installing the Python dependencies:
cd $INSTALL_DIR/gvsig-online
pip install -r requirements.txt
Next, we need to configure some settings, by creating a settings_passwords.py
cd $INSTALL_DIR/gvsig-online/gvsigol/gvsigol
cat > settings_passwords.py << EOF
Then, edit settings.py
to decide which Django applications and gvSIG plugins must be enabled
is your friend). Depending on your particular installation, you might need to
customize some additiona properties, such as your database host and port.
Finally, we need to apply Django migrations to create the DB structure. This has to be done every time gvSIG Online is updated (if there is any change on the data model).
cd $INSTALL_DIR/gvsig-online
manage.py migrate
gvSIG Online can be executed from Eclipse PyDev plugin as a PyDev Django application.
In production, it is usually executed using uWSGI application server combined with Apache and Tomcat (Geoserver).
The gvSIG Association provides gvSIG Online hosting and maintenance services:
- SaaS: software as a service (hosting+maintenance)
- In Situ: installation on client server(s)
It also offers professional services for develoment of additional plugins and customizations. Please contact us at [email protected] for additional information.