This repository aims to provide some easy to run haxe / react-native samples. Through different samples, the idea is to share a way to setup a valid development environment to use react-native stack with the haxe programming language/toolkit.
First, clone the repository.
Before anything, once inside the sample of your choice, create a local haxelib repo.
haxelib newrepo
Right after that, you can run the commands specified into the projet ìnstall.hxml
Beware of the dependencies installation which might change the desired lib version during the install process...
Each sample has a build.hxml file, which compiles haxe to the JS output.
The folder where the react-native sdk is setup is bin/
install the npm dependencies, running :
npm install
Depending on the way the react-native project has been setup (expo init or react-native init command), the way to run it may vary a little. npm run start if the way to go most of the time.
Simply call
haxe build.hxml
it will create a generated folder inside bin/, which content will be linked trough js file (index.js / App.js)
The way these samples are structured is also to help people to improve the stack. Currently, the projects are organized to manage the HMR (Hot Module Replacement). To do so, we use a non official JS generator hxgenjs. This generator allows a "draft" of ES6 output. Each sample use that feature at the moment.
The HRM is currently working "out of the box" on the basic samples (both expo and react-native bundlers).
BUT it doesn't seem to be working everytime and everywhere.
There's a issue to get it work with the sample using react-native-navigation. There's where other developers can help us. The Hot Reloading, once enabled on the device/emulator, seems to detect the file change (there's a notification in-app to notify that), but the module isn't replaced.
So far the investigation would lead to :
- a JS module definition which has its limit
- the react-native-navigation doesn't register the module with AppRegistry like other samples do, hence the problem.
- react-native-navigation being a native wrapper, there's something subtle in the way JS modules are loaded, which require some adjustments in the toolchain.
Any help would be greatly appreciated !
There's a link here explaining the concept behind it :
Also, some information to be aware of if not used to react-native stack. Hot reloading isn't enabled by default. You need to enable it (depends on the platform) :
- iOS share device and enable it from dev menu
- Expo disable live reload to make hot reload possible, then enable hot reload
- Android : not sure..