Haxe externs for some functionnalities of the lodash Js library
At the moment, only debounce and throttle feature are supported
On the class you expect to use throttled and debounced methods, place the following metadata over your class
That will allow you to access to the @:throttle
and @:debounce
Those metas are to place on your methods you want to alterate the behaviour.
@:throttle(500, {leading:true})
@:throttle(500, {trailing:true})
@:debounce(500, {leading:true})
@:debounce(500, {trailing:true})
@:debounce(500, {maxWait:1000, trailing:true})
The library gives you some entry points to clean the potential debouncing/throttling callbacks. In environements like react, that could lead to some undesired behaviours when component is unmounted for example.
So here are the methods you can call to clean the remaining functions :
You have to load the lodash js file dependencies to make it work properly. Edit your package.json file and place the following at the end of your dependencies node :
"dependencies": {
"lodash.throttle": "^4.1.1",
"lodash.debounce": "^4.0.8"
And then, don't forget to run the dependencies update with npm install or yarn install.
The current code sample if for react-native target, but it is quite self explanatory
import react.ReactComponent;
import react.ReactMacro.jsx;
import react.native.api.StyleSheet;
import react.native.component.View;
import react.native.component.Button;
class Demo extends ReactComponent
public static var styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'stretch',
backgroundColor: '#CCCCCC',
text: {
fontSize: 20,
textAlign: 'center',
margin: 10,
public function onClickThrottled()
trace("click throttled");
@:debounce(1000, {trailing:true })
public function onClickDebounced()
trace("click debounced");
override public function render()
var styles = Demo.styles;
return jsx('
<View style=${styles.container}>
title="Click Me Throttled"
title="Click Me Debounced"