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A C++ 20 Header-Only Dynamic Automatic Differential Library for Statistics and ML


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DynAutoDiff - A C++ 20 Header-Only Dynamic Automatic Differential Library for Statistics and ML




Why Another Auto-Diff library?

There have been many excellent automatic differential libraries: autodiff, Adept, stan-math, pytorch, tensorflow, FastAD... But none of them servers as my ideal:

  1. Some are too big (pytorch, tensorflow) and depend on many external libraries. A series problem is that these libraries may be conflict with other libraries which I need due to linking problems. One example is pytorch can't be linked together with Ceres (an optimizing library) or there will be segmentation fault.

  2. Some lacking abilities to deal with matrix differential (e.g. matrix inverse, det, ...). As far as I know, except FastAD and stan-math, other libraries don't deal with matrix differential.

  3. stan-math has bad documentations. I can't even successfully run an example. Also it depends on TBB and SUNDIALS which I seldom need.

  4. FastAD is inconvenient. It uses expression template technique and is better for static expressions. It's hard to manipulate expressions programmatically. However it's fast.

That's why I decide to write an automatic differential library by myself. The design of this library is inspired by pytorch and FastAD. Dynamic is the first goal, so naturally it should be slower than FastAD. If you are sensitive to speed, I suggest you to try FastAD.

Core Idea

Data is represented by a matrix: a scalar is a $1\times1$ matrix, a column is a $n\times 1$ matrix. The matrix is store as Eigen::Map to support both automatic memory management or passing external storage.

The type for variable is Var<T=double>. It stores value and gradient data, evaluation functor, gradient functor. But the real type that involved in expressions is shared_ptr<Var<T>>. When an expression x+y is created, a graph is created and no computation is done.

The actual computation is stared when user call eval() and then call backward() for gradient computation. In this stage, evaluation and gradient functors will be called.

There is a GraphManager that helps manage a graph. For example it can track all previous nodes given a final node. It can clear gradient data (before a fresh evaluation is begin, gradient data should be set to zero). A variable has a flag _evaluated to avoid repeating computation. This flag can also be cleared by GraphManager.

Usage and Examples


First clone this project:

git clone

Then run the hello world example (see bellow):

cmake .

The main part of this library is a header-only library and depend on Eigen, boost.json, boost.math which are also header-only libraries. So just copy the header files folder DynAutoDiff into your projects. You compiler should support c++20 (constexpr, <concepts>, <numbers> ... are used).

There are also a series of wrapper classes for ceres (CeresOptimizer.hpp), NLopt (nloptoptimizer.hpp). They are not included in DynAutoDiff.hpp. To use these, you need to install them by yourselves.

There is a GDOptimizer.hpp that implements NaiveGD, Adam that can be used to train a neural network. It has been included in the main library.

If you want to run tests, then you need boost.

If you want to run some examples, then you need to install more. For example the example ceres_neural_network requires ceres or more.

A Hello World Example

#include "DynAutoDiff/DynAutoDiff.hpp"

using namespace std;
using namespace DynAutoDiff;

int main() {
    // Create variables and expressions.
    auto x = vec<double>({1, 2}), Sigma = pmat<double>({2, 1, 1, 2}, 2, 2),
         y = pvec<double>({2, 3});
    auto z = transpose(x) * inv(Sigma) * y;
    GraphManager gm(z);

    // Run automatic differential.;
    cout << z->v() << endl << Sigma->val() << endl << Sigma->grad() << endl;

    // Save and load."graph.json");
    auto z1 = gm.load("graph.json");

Linear Regression Models

Compare OLS regression and MLE regression. You need ceres. See examples/ceres_linear_regression:

#include "../../DynAutoDiff/CeresOptimizer.hpp"

using namespace std;
using namespace DynAutoDiff;

int main() {
    auto X = std::make_shared<Var<>>("../../test/X.txt");
    auto y = std::make_shared<Var<>>("../../test/y.txt");

    // Set parameters.
    auto theta_ols = pvec(X->cols());
    auto theta_mle = pvec(X->cols());
    auto c_ols = psca();
    auto c_mle = psca();

    // Losses.
    auto mse = mse_loss(X * theta_ols + c_ols, y);
    auto ll = -ln_normal_den(y - X * theta_mle - c_mle, csca(0.0), psca(1.0));

    CeresOptimizer ols_opt(mse);;
    CeresOptimizer mle_opt(ll);;

    cout << "OLS theta: " << endl << theta_ols->val() << endl;
    cout << "OLS c: " << endl << c_ols->val() << endl;

    cout << "MLE theta: " << endl << theta_mle->val() << endl;
    cout << "MLE c: " << endl << c_mle->val() << endl;

One would find that the result will be the same (except negligible numerical error).

GMM Model

The full code is in examples/ceres_GMM. The dataset has 10 columns and 5000 samples. Assuming the data comes from two Gaussian distributions, the following code computes negative log-likelihood:

auto X = std::make_shared<Var<>>("../../test/gmm_datat5000_10.txt");

auto I = cmat(10, 10);
*I = TMat<>::Identity(10, 10); //Set data of I matrix.

auto mu1 = prowvec<double>({10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10});
auto sigma1 = pvec<double>( {});
auto mu2 = prowvec<double>({-10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10, -10});
auto sigma2 = pvec<double>( {});

auto w1 = psca(0.5);
auto p = sigmoid(w1);

auto S1 = rsdot(ivecl(sigma1)) + I; //LL^T+I for positive definite matrices.
auto S2 = rsdot(ivecl(sigma2)) + I;

auto Xmu1 = offset(X, -mu1), Xmu2 = offset(X, -mu2);
auto p1v = (1.0 / sqrt(pow(2 * numbers::pi, 10))) / sqrt(det(S1)) *
               exp(-0.5 * diag(Xmu1 * inv(S1), transpose(Xmu1)));
auto p2v = (1.0 / sqrt(pow(2 * numbers::pi, 10))) / sqrt(det(S2)) *
               exp(-0.5 * diag(Xmu2 * inv(S2), transpose(Xmu2)));
auto ll = -sum(ln(p * p1v + (1 - p) * p2v));
GraphManager<> gm(ll);

Neural Network Regression

This example locates in examples/neural_network:

#include "../../DynAutoDiff/CeresOptimizer.hpp"
#include <algorithm>

using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
using namespace DynAutoDiff;

template <typename T = double> struct NN {
    int k;
    shared_ptr<Var<T>> A1 = pmat(20, k), b1 = pvec(20), A2 = pmat(50, 20), b2 = pvec(50),
                       A3 = pmat(20, 50), b3 = pvec(20), A4 = pmat(1, 20), b4 = pvec(1);

    NN(int k) : k(k) {
        // He parameter initialization.
        for (auto &node : {A1, A2, A3, A4}) {
            *node = node->val() / sqrt(node->cols() / 2);

    auto make_model(const TMat<T> &X) {
        auto y1 = relu(offset(A1 * mat(X), b1)); // 20*N
        auto y2 = relu(offset(A2 * y1, b2));     // 100*N
        auto y3 = relu(offset(A3 * y2, b3));     // 20*N
        auto y4 = relu(offset(A4 * y3, b4));     // 1*N

        return y4;

template <typename T = double> void evaluate(const TMat<T> &test_X, const TMat<T> &test_y) {}
int main() {
    // Create train and test dataset.
    auto data = load_mat("../../test/cancer_reg.txt");
    int N = data.rows(), k = data.cols();
    for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {

    // Generate random sample ids for training and testing.
    vector<int> all(N);
    iota(all.begin(), all.end(), 0);
    default_random_engine eng(0);
    shuffle(all.begin(), all.end(), eng);

    vector<int> train_id(all.begin(), all.begin() + 2200);
    vector<int> test_id(all.begin() + 2200, all.end());
    TMat<> train_X = data(seqN(1, k - 1), train_id);
    TMat<> train_y = data(seqN(0, 1), train_id);
    TMat<> test_X = data(seqN(1, k - 1), test_id);
    TMat<> test_y = data(seqN(0, 1), test_id);

    // Expression for training.
    NN<> net(train_X.rows());
    auto y4 = net.make_model(train_X);
    auto mse = mse_loss<Reduction::Mean>(y4, mat(train_y));
    GraphManager<> gm(mse);

    // Expression for testing.
    auto y4t = net.make_model(test_X);
    auto test_mse = mse_loss<Reduction::Mean>(y4t, mat(test_y));
    GraphManager<> gm1(test_mse);

    ConstLR c_scheduler(1e-6);
    Adam adam_opt(&gm, &c_scheduler);

    for (int i = 0; i < 50000; ++i) {
        if (i % 100 == 0) {
            cout << "Iteration " << i << ", learning rate: " <<
                 << ", train RMSE: " << sqrt(mse->v()) << ", test RMSE: " << sqrt(test_mse->v())
                 << endl;

Because the shape of intermediate is decided before, so we need to store the parameters in a class to easily generate graph for training and testing.

Reference Guide

Conventions and Be Careful

  1. This library only implements reverse mode automatic differential.
  2. Eigen uses ColumnMajor by default. But it's a little counter-intuitive. So RowMajor is used by this library. The internal type used is:
template <typename T = double>
using TMat = Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>;
  1. When I say vector, it's default to be a column vector. Use column vectors as much as possibles to avoid confusing.
  2. The default template element type are double, but sometime you need to explicitly specify it:
auto x=rowvec({1,2,3}) // Warning: element will be int
auto x=rowvec<double>({1,2,3})  //Correct.
  1. The initial values and gradients are guaranteed to be 0 for automatically allocated memory. Sometimes this may be problematic. For example, when optimizing, the target function may be undefined for 0 inputs. You must provide initial values at this situation.
  2. The default reduction method for loss functions is Sum, not mean.
  3. There will be range checks for v(), g() which are used to get value and gradient by index.

Initializing Variables

Automatic memory management

There are a series of convinence functions for creating specific size variables: mat, vec, rowvec, sca. Each one has a c-version (constant, thus requires_grad=false) and p-version (parameter, thus requires_grad=true).

  1. Only specify size, allo values are initialized to be 0s:
auto S=cmat(2,2); //2*2 size matrix
auto S=pmat(2,2); //2*2 size parameter matrix
auto v=vec(5); //column vector
auto s=csca(); // scalar.
  1. Pass data when crating a variable:
auto S=cmat<double>({1,2,3,1}, 2, 2); //Don't forget to set variable type to double.
auto S=cmat({1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.9}, 2, 2); //double type.
auto v=vec<double>({1,2,3}); //No need to set size for vector. 3*1 vector.

Passing External Storage

You can pass data pointers when initilizing:

auto S=std::make_shared<Var<T=double>>(T* val, T* gard, rows, cols);

Or you can bind later:

auto S=cmat(2,2);
S->bind(T* val, T* grad, rows, cols);

Reading Data from File

auto x=std::make_shared<Var<>>("data.txt", requires_grad=false);

can create a variable with values read from "data.txt". It should be a tab-delimited file without header row, not csv format. Shape is automatically decided.

Expressions and Operators

Basic Math Functions

  1. +, -, *, /: +, -, / are element-wise operation (one of them can be a scalar). * is matrix product (or scalar-matrix product). eprod(X,Y): element wise product, X,Y must have the same shape (thus not a scalar and a matrix). offset(X, x): X is a matrix, x is a column or row vector. If x is a column vector, then add it to each column of X (thus shape must match), vice versa. scale(X, x), like offset, but now is element-wise times. linear(A, x, b): $Ax+b$. b can be a scalar or column or row vector.
  2. Element-wise functions: exp, ln, sqrt,pow(x, d), sin, cos,tan,sinh, cosh, tanh, sigmoid, relu.
  3. mean<Dim=All>(X), sum<Dim=All>(X), variance<Dim=All>(X). Dim=All | Row | Sum. Calculate mean, sum or variance along dim. Dim=All :return a scalar. Dim=Row :return a column vector in which an element is the statistic of each row . Dim=Col :return a row vector.
  4. lpnorm<n=2, Dim=All>(X). $L_p,p&gt;0$ norm. If $n&gt;=50$, then treat as infinity norm.

Matrix Operators

  1. inv(X): matrix inverse $X^{-1}$.
  2. transpose(X): matrix transpose $X^T$.
  3. cat<D=0>({x1,x2,...}), cat<D=0>(vector<shared_ptr<Var<>>): concate by D=0(row), D=1(col).
  4. trace(X): trace of a matrix. trace(X, Y): trace of $XY$.
  5. det(X), logdet(X): determinant and natural log determinant.
  6. lsdot(X): left-self-dot $XX^T$. rsdot(X): right-self-dot $X^TX$. They can be used to construct a semi-positive definitive matrix.
  7. diag(X): extract diagonal elements to form a column vector. diag(X, Y): $\text{diag}(XY)$. diagonal(v): construct a diagonal matrix by a vector (both column and row).
  8. vec(X): stack columns to form a column vector. vech(X): stack columns of lower part to form a column vector. $X$ must be a square matrix. ivech(v): unstack a vector to form a symmetric matrix. For example, if v has size 6, then the result will be a $2\times 2$ symmetric matrix ($\frac{(1+3)\times 3}{2}=6$). This is usefull when you want to optimize a symmetric matrix. $$ [1,2,3,4,5,6]\implies \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 &3 \ 2 & 4 & 5\ 3 & 5 & 6 \end{bmatrix} $$

Note $1,2,3$ forms the first column (or the first row). ivecl(v): like ivech(v) but leave upper part to be zero (thus return a lower triangular matrix). ivecu(v): leave lower part to be zero.

$$ \text{ivecl(v)}: [1,2,3,4,5,6]\implies \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 2 & 4 & 0\\ 3 & 5 & 6 \end{bmatrix} \text{ivecu(v)}: [1,2,3,4,5,6]\implies \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 0 & 4 & 5 \\ 0 & 0 & 6 \end{bmatrix} $$


Only computes log density. For example,

ln_mvnormal_den(X, mu, Sigma); //default None reduction.
ln_mvnormal_den(X, cvec(5), Sigma); // mu is a zero vector.
ln_mvnormal_den(X, mu, Sigma, DynAutoDiff::Mean); //mean reduction.

computes log multi-variate normal density. Arguments X is a data matrix( for multivariate distributions) or a column vector( for univariate distributions), each row represents a sample.

The function parameter reduction=DynAutoDiff::None | Mean | Sum is used to control reduction, default is Sum (then return a scalar). If None, return a column vector. The template parameter true is used to control whether to include constants. default is false which is not to include constants.

  1. ln_mvnormal_den(X,mu,Sigma): multivariate normal, which has been introduced above.
  2. ln_normal_den(X,mu, sigma): univariate normal. X must be a column vector.
  3. ln_mvt_den(X, mu, Sigma, nu): multivariate $t$ distribution. nu is a scalar.
  4. ln_t_den(X, mu, sigma, nu): univariate $t$ distribution. mu, sigma, nu are scalars.

Loss Functions

Remember the input order is (input, target). The loss function has a template parameter Reduction, whose allowed values are Reduction::None, Reduction::Sum, Reduction::Mean. The default is Sum. Usage:

auto loss = binary_cross_entropy(sigmoid(X * theta + c), y); //Logistic regression.
  1. binary_cross_entropy(input, taret).
  2. mse_loss(input,target).

Evaluation and Backward

To carry out a fresh computation, use

GraphManager<> gm(y); //y is a variable.;

It's equivalent to:


Sometimes you want to loop over samples and accumulate gradients. Then just use;


Reallocate Contiguous Memory

Sometimes you want the memory of parameter nodes to be contiguous. Then you can use:

auto [val, grad]& = gm.auto_bind_parm();

Here val, grad both are column vectors with type TMap<T>.


A C++ 20 Header-Only Dynamic Automatic Differential Library for Statistics and ML







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