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dmiller15 committed Jul 23, 2024
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# Kids First Data Resource Center BWA-GATK Short Reads Alignment and HaplotypeCaller Workflow

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<img src="./kids_first_logo.svg" alt="Kids First repository logo" width="660px" />

The Kids First Data Resource Center (KFDRC) BWA-GATK Short Reads Alignment and
GATK Haplotyper Workflow is a Common Workflow Language (CWL) implementation of
various software used to take reads generated by next generation sequencing
(NGS) technologies and use those reads to generate alignment and, optionally,
variant information.

This workflow is an all-in-one alignment workflow capable of handling any kind
of reads inputs: BAM inputs, PE reads and mates inputs, SE reads inputs, or
any combination of these. The workflow will naively attempt to process these
depending on what you tell it you have provided. The user informs the workflow
of which inputs to process using three boolean inputs: `run_bam_processing`,
`run_pe_reads_processing`, and `run_se_reads_processing`. Providing `true`
values for these as well their corresponding inputs will result in those inputs
being processed.

In addition to the core alignment functionality, this workflow is also capable
of the following:
- Performing Haplotype Calling to generate a gVCF as well as associated metrics
- Collecting Hybrid-Selection (HS) Sequencing Metrics
- Collecting Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) Metrics
- Collecting Aggregate Sequencing Metrics: Alignment Summary, Insert Size, Sequencing Artifact, GC Bias, and Quality Score Distribution
- Collecting Sex Chromosome Metrics
- Collecting HLA Genotyping Data

## Pipeline Software and Versions

Below is a breakdown of the software used in the workflow. Please note that this
breakdown is manually updated and, as such, may fall out of date with our workflow.
For the most up to date versions of our software please refer to the Docker
images present in the workflow. A table of the images and their usage can be
found [here](./

| Bam to Read Group (RG) BAM | samtools split |
| RG Bam to Fastq | biobambam2 bamtofastq |
| Adapter Trimming | cutadapt |
| Fastq to RG Bam | bwa mem |
| Merge RG Bams | sambamba merge |
| Sort Bam | sambamba sort |
| Mark Duplicates | samblaster |
| BaseRecalibration | GATK BaseRecalibrator |
| ApplyRecalibration | GATK ApplyBQSR |
| Gather Recalibrated BAMs | Picard GatherBamFiles |
| Bam to Cram | samtools view |
| Metrics | Picard |
| Sex Metrics | samtools idxstats |
| HLA Genotyping | T1k |
| Contamination Calculation | VerifyBamID |
| gVCF Calling | GATK HaplotypeCaller |
| Gather VCFs | Picard MergeVcfs |
| Metrics | Picard CollectVariantCallingMetrics |

- [biobambam2]( [2.0.50](
- [bwa]( [0.7.17-r1188](
- [Cutadapt]( [4.6](
- [GATK]( Our workflow uses three versions of GATK:
- HaplotypeCaller: [4.beta.1](
- BaseRecalibration: [](
- File Indexing: [](
- [Picard]( [2.18.9](
- [Sambamba]( [0.6.3](
- [samblaster]( [0.1.24](
- [Samtools](
- idxstats, split: [1.9](
- BAM to CRAM conversion: [1.8](
- [T1k]( [1.0.5](
- [VerifyBamID]( [1.0.2](

### Alignment

The principle function of this pipeline is the realignment of short reads to a reference genome.

#### Inputing Reads

Read information are passed in through the following inputs:
input_bam_list: "List of input BAM/CRAM/SAM files"
cram_reference: "If input_bam_list contains CRAM, provided the reference used to generate that CRAM here"
input_pe_reads_list: "List of input R1 paired end FASTQ reads"
input_pe_mates_list: "List of input R2 paired end FASTQ reads"
input_pe_rgs_list: "List of RG strings to use in PE processing"
input_se_reads_list: "List of input single end FASTQ reads"
input_se_rgs_list: "List of RG strings to use in SE processing"
This workflow accepts reads in any of the of the following formats:
- Aligned BAM/CRAM/SAM
- Unaligned BAM/CRAM/SAM
- Paired End FASTQ
- Single End FASTQ
Additionally, these files must have appropriate read group information. For
aligned and unaligned BAM/CRAM/SAM files, we assume that information is
contained within the file header. If your files do not have read group (`@RG`)
header information, you **must** add that information to the file header for
the pipeline to work!

If the user provides CRAM inputs, they must also provide the reference that was
used to generate the CRAM file.

FASTQ files do not have headers; their header information must be provided by
the user at runtime. The inputs that the user provides are handed directly to
the bwa `-R` option. From bwa:
-R Complete read group header line. '\t' can be used in STR and will be
converted to a TAB in the output SAM. The read group ID will be attached to
every read in the output. An example is '@RG\tID:foo\tSM:bar'. [null]

If the user provides multiple single end FASTQs or multiple sets of paired end
FASTQs, they must keep the files and read group lines in the same order.
For example:
- sample1_R1.fq
- sample2_R1.fq
- sample3_R1.fq
- sample1_R2.fq
- sample2_R2.fq
- sample3_R2.fq
- sample1_rg_line
- sample2_rg_line
- sample3_rg_line

##### Activating Reads Processing

Once the user has provided their reads, they must then choose which processing
the pipeline will perform. This choice is controlled by the following
run_bam_processing: "BAM/CRAM/SAM processing will be run. Requires: input_bam_list"
run_pe_reads_processing: "PE reads processing will be run. Requires: input_pe_reads_list, input_pe_mates_list, input_pe_rgs_list"
run_se_reads_processing: "SE reads processing will be run. Requires: input_se_reads_list, input_se_rgs_list"

If the user provides BAM/CRAM/SAMs they should set `run_bam_processing` to true.
If the user provides paired end FASTQs, they should set `run_pe_reads_processing` to true.
If the user provides single end FASTQs, they should set `run_se_reads_processing` to true.

### Alignment Metrics

After alignment, the pipeline contains a number of optional metrics collection
steps that the user can enable. These tools can be enabled using the following
run_hs_metrics: "HsMetrics will be collected. Only recommended for WXS inputs. Requires: wxs_bait_interval_list, wxs_target_interval_list"
run_wgs_metrics: "WgsMetrics will be collected. Only recommended for WGS inputs. Requires: wgs_coverage_interval_list"
run_agg_metrics: "AlignmentSummaryMetrics, GcBiasMetrics, InsertSizeMetrics, QualityScoreDistribution, and SequencingArtifactMetrics will be collected."
run_sex_metrics: "idxstats will be collected and X/Y ratios calculated"

In all but the most frugal cases, we recommend running the agg(regate) and sex
metrics. These steps require no additional inputs.

HS and WGS Metrics, however, should only be enabled for appropriate inputs. If
the inputs are WGS, we recommend enabling WGS metrics. If the inputs are WXS,
we recommend enabling WXS metrics. Both of these metrics tools require
additional inputs. For WGS, the user must provide a
`wgs_coverage_interval_list`. For WXS, the user must provide both a
`wxs_bait_interval_list` and `wxs_target_interval_list`. While we provide a
`wgs_coverage_interval_list` with the workflow, the `wxs_bait_interval_list`
and `wxs_target_interval_list` are going to be unique to the sequencing
experiment used to generate the reads. These inputs will vary run to run.
Therefore, the user must provide these intervals.

### Haplotype Calling

Following alignment, this workflow can also perform GATK haplotype calling to
generate a gVCF and metrics files. To generate the gVCF, set
`run_gvcf_processing` to `true` and provide the following optional files:
`dbsnp_vcf`, `contamination_sites_bed`, `contamination_sites_mu`,
`contamination_sites_ud`, `wgs_calling_interval_list`, and

These are the gVCF processing relevant inputs and descriptions:
dbsnp_vcf: "dbSNP vcf file"
dbsnp_idx: "dbSNP vcf index file"
contamination_sites_bed: ".bed file for markers used in this analysis,format(chr\tpos-1\tpos\trefAllele\taltAllele)"
contamination_sites_mu: ".mu matrix file of genotype matrix"
contamination_sites_ud: ".UD matrix file from SVD result of genotype matrix"
wgs_calling_interval_list: "WGS interval list used to aid scattering Haplotype caller"
wgs_evaluation_interval_list: "Target intervals to restrict gVCF metric analysis (for VariantCallingMetrics)"
run_gvcf_processing: "gVCF will be generated. Requires: dbsnp_vcf, contamination_sites_bed, contamination_sites_mu, contamination_sites_ud, wgs_calling_interval_list, wgs_evaluation_interval_list"

### HLA Genotyping

This workflow can also collect HLA genotyping data. To read more on this
feature please see [our documentation](./ This feature is
on by default but can be disabled by setting `run_t1k` to `false`. HLA
genotyping also requires the `hla_dna_ref_seqs` and `hla_dna_gene_coords`
inputs. The public app provides default files for these. If you have are using
a different reference genome, see the [T1k readme](
for instructions on creating these files.

## Outputs

Below are the complete list of the outputs that can be generated by the pipeline:
cram: "(Re)Aligned Reads File"
gvcf: "Genomic VCF generated from the realigned alignment file."
verifybamid_output: "Output from VerifyBamID that is used to calculate contamination."
cutadapt_stats: "Stats from Cutadapt runs, if run. One or more per read group."
bqsr_report: "Recalibration report from BQSR."
gvcf_calling_metrics: "General metrics for gVCF calling quality."
hs_metrics: "Picard CollectHsMetrics metrics for the analysis of target-capture sequencing experiments."
wgs_metrics: "Picard CollectWgsMetrics metrics for evaluating the performance of whole genome sequencing experiments."
alignment_metrics: "Picard CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics high level metrics about the alignment of reads within a SAM/BAM file."
gc_bias_detail: "Picard CollectGcBiasMetrics detailed metrics about reads that fall within windows of a certain GC bin on the reference genome."
gc_bias_summary: "Picard CollectGcBiasMetrics high level metrics that capture how biased the coverage in a certain lane is."
gc_bias_chart: "Picard CollectGcBiasMetrics plot of GC bias."
insert_metrics: "Picard CollectInsertSizeMetrics metrics about the insert size distribution of a paired-end library."
insert_plot: "Picard CollectInsertSizeMetrics insert size distribution plotted."
artifact_bait_bias_detail_metrics: "Picard CollectSequencingArtifactMetrics bait bias artifacts broken down by context."
artifact_bait_bias_summary_metrics: "Picard CollectSequencingArtifactMetrics summary analysis of a single bait bias artifact."
artifact_error_summary_metrics: "Picard CollectSequencingArtifactMetrics summary metrics as a roll up of the context-specific error rates, to provide global error rates per type of base substitution."
artifact_pre_adapter_detail_metrics: "Picard CollectSequencingArtifactMetrics pre-adapter artifacts broken down by context."
artifact_pre_adapter_summary_metrics: "Picard CollectSequencingArtifactMetrics summary analysis of a single pre-adapter artifact."
qual_metrics: "Quality metrics for the realigned CRAM."
qual_chart: "Visualization of quality metrics."
idxstats: "samtools idxstats of the realigned reads file."
xy_ratio: "Text file containing X and Y reads statistics generated from idxstats."
t1k_genotype_tsv: "HLA genotype results from T1k"

## Caveats:
- Duplicates are flagged in a process that is connected to bwa mem. The
implication of this design decision is that duplicates are flagged only on the
inputs of that are scattered into bwa. Duplicates, therefore, are not being
flagged at a library level and, for large BAM and FASTQ inputs, duplicates are
only being detected within a portion of the read group.

## Tips for running:
- For the FASTQ input file lists (PE or SE), make sure the lists are properly
ordered. The items in the arrays are processed based on their position. These
lists are dotproduct scattered. This means that the first file in
`input_pe_reads_list` is run with the first file in `input_pe_mates_list` and
the first string in `input_pe_rgs_list`. This also means these arrays must be
the same length or the workflow will fail.
- The input for the `reference_tar` must be a tar file containing the
reference fasta along with its indexes. The required indexes are
`[.64.ann,.64.amb,.64.bwt,.64.pac,,.dict,.fai]` and are generated by bwa,
Picard, and Samtools. Additionally, an `.64.alt` index is recommended. The
following is an example of a complete reference tar input:
~ tar tf Homo_sapiens_assembly38.tgz
- If you are making your own bwa indexes make sure to use the `-6` flag to
obtain the `.64` version of the indexes. Indexes that do not match this naming
schema will cause a failure in certain runner ecosystems.
- Should you decide to create your own reference indexes and omit the ALT
index file from the reference, or if its naming structure mismatches the other
indexes, then your alignments will be equivalent to the results you would
obtain if you run BWA-MEM with the `-j` option.
- For advanced usage, users can skip the knownsite indexing by providing the
`knownsites_indexes` input. This file list should contain the indexes for each
of the files in your knownsites input. Please note this list must be ordered in
such a way where the position of the index file in the `knownsites_indexes`
list must correspond with the position of the VCF file in the knownsites list
that it indexes. Failure to order in this way will result in the pipeline
failing or generating erroneous files.
- For large BAM inputs, users may encounter a scenario where jobs fail during
the bamtofastq step. The given error will recommend that users try increasing
disk space. Increasing the disk space will solve the error for all but the
largest inputs. For those extremely large inputs with many read groups that
continue to get this error, it is recommended that users increase the value for
`bamtofastq_cpu`. Increasing this value will decrease the number of concurrent
bamtofastq jobs that run on the same instance.

## Basic Info
- [D3b dockerfiles](
- Testing Tools:
- [CAVATICA Platform](
- [Common Workflow Language reference implementation (cwltool)](

## References
- KFDRC AWS S3 bucket: s3://kids-first-seq-data/broad-references/
- Broad Institute Goolge Cloud:
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions docs/
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@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
# Kids First Data Resource Center Sentieon Short Reads Alignment and gVCF Workflow
# Kids First Data Resource Center Sentieon Short Reads Alignment and Haplotyper Workflow

<p align="center">
<img src="./kids_first_logo.svg" alt="Kids First repository logo" width="660px" />

The Kids First Data Resource Center (KFDRC) Short Reads Alignment and GATK
The Kids First Data Resource Center (KFDRC) Sentieon Short Reads Alignment and
Haplotyper Workflow is a Common Workflow Language (CWL) implementation of
various software used to take reads generated by next generation sequencing
(NGS) technologies and use those reads to generate alignment and, optionally,
variant information. This workflow mirrors the approach of our existing [Input Agnostic Alignment Workflow](,
variant information. This workflow mirrors the approach of our existing [BWA-GATK Workflow](./,
and the two have been internally benchmarked as functionally equivalent. The key
difference between the two workflows is found in the tools used during the
alignment process.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ that match our existing Picard metrics suite.
| Bam to Read Group (RG) BAM | samtools split | samtools split |
| RG Bam to Fastq | biobambam2 bamtofastq | biobambam2 bamtofastq |
| Adapter Trimming | cutadapt | cutadapt |
| Fastq to RG Bam | bwa mem | Sentieon bwa mem |
| Merge RG Bams | sambamba merge | Sentieon ReadWriter |
| Sort Bam | sambamba sort | Sentieon ReadWriter |
Expand All @@ -71,6 +72,8 @@ that match our existing Picard metrics suite.
| Gather Recalibrated BAMs | Picard GatherBamFiles | No splitting occurs in Sentieon |
| Bam to Cram | samtools view | Sentieon ReadWriter |
| Metrics | Picard | Sentieon |
| Sex Metrics | samtools idxstats | samtools idxstats |
| HLA Genotyping | T1k | T1k |

## Sentieon gVCF Creation: Similarities and Differences

Expand Down

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