Analysis 5 years dataset over 5 crore data. The main issues of this project is huge blank and error data was there and there is maximum dummy data . That’s why analyzed file stop working. And most of graphs are crashed. Last two years data file , quantity data file not added for function error. So, In this case I solved all the things. Month to Month analysis , Year to Year Analysis and so many things from requirement. And created a summary file.
- Total Quantity & Extended Price for the Top 10 & Bottom 10 Customer
- Total Quantity by type (Dry & Frozen %)
- Total Quantity by channel (Mainstream & Ethnic %)
- Customer & Product wise yearly Extended price along with quantity.
- Year, Quarter & Month wise Extended price & Quantity
- Write a brief summary explain (findings) about the business insides for those top customers
- Total Quantity & Extended Price for the Top 10 & Bottom 10 Product