pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
pip install google-auth-oauthlib
- List Courses from Google Classroom
python listcourses.py
## output
Name: AIES-Batch-1, ID: 660191923617
Name: Coursera:Demo, ID: 697771245190
Name: Cloud & Devops, ID: 696505254490
Name: Web3, ID: 696505288153
- List Students from Google Classroom using Course Id
python liststudents.py
## output is stored in liststudents.json
- Assign a new content under coursera InnovationLabsKITE
- fetchCourseraPrograms function will be called and coursera courses will be auto added to GC.
- update courseraProgramId (find coursera learning path id using postman) and Google classroom id (find id using listcourses.py)
- Coursera-Final-Fetch - fetch_post_courses_coursera_gc.gc