2017-06-12 Daniel Jeans (PR#110)
- First "development" set of ILD "v02" models, with thicker ECAL and reduced TPC outer radius: Large and Small models have been implemented in "1", "2", and "4" technology options.
- new dimensions not yet frozen, so will probably need some adjustment
- re-organisation of code for v2 models: readout definition moved together with detector definitions (previously defined in top-level ILD_*.xml).
- TPC services (all cooling pipes except one) removed for v02 models. Awaiting input from TPC experts on correct position/size of this pipe.
- some change to definition of ECAL rails: move to currently favoured 2-rail design. Some update/cleanup of SServices00 driver. This also affects v01 models.
2017-06-28 Shaojun Lu (PR#117)
- Implement SITCables services for ILD detector models
- Update the FTD envelope shape to get free space to place SITCables.
- Add SITCables services parameters into XML files for ILD_common_v01.
- Add SITCables services parameters into XML files for ILD_common_v02.
2017-06-29 Andre Sailer (PR#119)
- Split libraries into one without linking against Geant4 and one with Geant4 dependency. Avoid loading of Geant4 libraries in reconstruction
2017-06-29 Shaojun Lu (PR#118)
- Follow the TUBE update, and use the TUBE envelope radius to fix the services SitDisk overlaps.
- Define the SitDisk Rmin with TUBE_IPOuterBulge_end_envradius instead of TUBE_IPOuterBulge_end_radius.
- Implement HcalBarrel_EndcapServices which also include the services coming from Ecal and TPC.
- Implement HcalBarrel_EndcapServices parameters into both ILD_comon_v01 and ILD_common_v02.
- Add parameter 'TPC_cooling_nRings' in SServices00.xml to allow change wrt large and small ILD model for this moment.
2017-06-08 Daniel Jeans (PR#107)
- For ILD models: increase inner radius of FTD envelope, to avoid overlap with beampipe of finite thickness.
2017-06-16 Frank Gaede (PR#112)
- remove unused and deprecated (AIDASoft/DD4hep#165 ) DDRec extensions LayeringExtension/SubdetectorExtensions from Ecal drivers
2017-06-15 Shaojun Lu (PR#111)
- Ported ILD Mokka class SServices00 line by line into a new class SServices00_v01 into lcgeo.
- Used in ILDSServices.cpp to create services geometry for ILD_o1_v05.
2017-05-15 Marko Petric (PR#102)
- Introduce new model CLIC_o3_v11 and shift segmentation in HCal for half cell size
2017-05-15 Frank Gaede (PR#101)
- fix the logic for assigning sensitive slices in ILD Hcal drivers
2017-06-30 Frank Gaede (PR#120)
- update the ILD_(ls)(124)_v02 models
- move the un-instrumented gaseaous volume in the TPC to the inner field cage
- cleaned up the use of plugins:
- CaloFace plugins are now in the SEcal04 drivers (in ILD_common_v02)
- add DD4hepVolumeManager (for consistency) and InstallSurfaceManager
to main compact files for all models
- update the ILD_(ls)(124)_v02 models
2017-06-20 Frank Gaede (PR#114)
- replace DDSurfaces w/ dd4hep::rec
2017-06-20 Andre Sailer (PR#113)
- Adapt to changes in namespaces in DD4hep
2017-06-21 Marko Petric (PR#115)
- Remove using namespace from header
2017-06-26 Frank Gaede (PR#116)
- fix ILD_o4 models:
- ILD_l4_v01:
- reverse order of RPC and scintillator ( RPC first)
- ILD_l/s4_v02:
- reverse order of RPC and scintillator ( RPC first)
- add parameters for tracking volume and reconstruction geometry
- add surface plugins for tracking
2017-04-28 Daniel Jeans (PR#100)
- Changes to HCAL endcap envelopes in ILD_l/s* models
- in all ILD_l/s* models, reduce radial size of hcal endcap envelopes to leave space for cables. cryo-hcal endcap gap is controlled by parameter Hcal_endcap_cryostat_gap, set to 170 mm.
- in ILD_?2 models, change SDHCAL endcap envelope shape to tube (same as other models)
- Changes to HCAL endcap envelopes in ILD_l/s* models
2017-05-29 TiborILD (PR#106)
- updated ILD SDHcal drivers and geometry:
- reverse ordering of slices in Barrel, Endcaps_v01
- correction for z-cracks in Barrel
- towers numbering from inner to outer radius (Endcaps_v02)
- staves numbering 0-3 (Endcaps_v02)
- removed not used variable and commented line (Endcaps_v02)
- updated ILD SDHcal drivers and geometry:
2017-05-30 luisaleperez (PR#103)
- Updated Field maps readers, FieldMapBrBz and FieldMapXYZ, to automatically get from the root file the maps parameters
- Coordinates ranges, step size and ordering
- Updated Field maps readers, FieldMapBrBz and FieldMapXYZ, to automatically get from the root file the maps parameters
2017-04-22 StrahinjaLukic (PR#96)
- Outgoing beam tube radius was reduced by 1 mm from "BeamCal_min_z-5mm" to 5999mm because the BeamCal inner radius was reduced as part of the adjustments to L*=4.1m
- The protruding outer radius of QDEX1AFront link between tube sections was reduced to the outer radius of the larger tube.
- The changes affect all ILD models that use ILD_common.
2017-04-22 Frank Gaede (PR#95)
- fix the creation of the DDRec::LayeredCalorimeterData data structures for the the
multisegmentation readout model LD_l4_v01 - reverse the order of the slices in the HcalEndcaps and HCalEndcapRing for this model
- fix the creation of the DDRec::LayeredCalorimeterData data structures for the the
2017-05-24 Frank Gaede (PR#104)
- set the correct DetType_ENDCAP for all ILD HcalEndcapRing models
- was DetType_BARREL
- set the correct DetType_ENDCAP for all ILD HcalEndcapRing models
2017-04-25 Marko Petric (PR#97)
- Introduce new model CLIC_o3_v10
- Unify all encoding strings for ECal, HCal, Yoke with the introduction of GlobalCalorimeterReadoutID
2017-04-26 Daniel Jeans (PR#98)
- use correct LHCal01 detector setup in ILD_l1_v01
2017-06-09 Marko Petric (PR#109)
- Update the location of DD4hep Handle.inl include file to adapt to DD4hep v00.24
2017-06-09 Daniel Jeans (PR#108)
- improve SEcal05 drivers and compact description for ILD models
- remove hard-coded numbers of carbon fiber layers (in alveolii, around absorber plates) in SEcal05* drivers: more flexible.
- now parameterize in terms of total CF thickness, rather than thickness of one sheet multiplied by number of sheets: easier to understand, more flexible.
- associated changes required in compact descriptions
- improve SEcal05 drivers and compact description for ILD models