2022-06-27 Thomas Madlener (PR#85)
- Add a gaudi options file that can be used to run the event display using the CLIC detector via the Marlin wrapper.
2022-06-22 Placido Fernandez Declara (PR#84)
- Move doc md files to starterkit
2022-06-21 Valentin Volkl (PR#81)
- Update covMatrix with changes from edm4hep v0.5
2022-06-15 Placido Fernandez Declara (PR#77)
- Use k4EDM4hep2LcioConv as separate lib
- Remove conversion from MarlinWrapper
2022-05-30 Valentin Volkl (PR#79)
- examples: use geometry file based on LCGEO from the current stack
2022-05-20 Placido Fernandez Declara (PR#75)
- Use unique_ptr instead of new for converter
- Improve comments and error messages
- Handle errors coming from k4LCIOReader conversion
2022-05-17 Placido Fernandez Declara (PR#73)
- Fix include dirs dependencies in cmake
2022-04-05 Thomas Madlener (PR#52)
- Make it possible to set the random seed that is used for the
of the Marlin processors from the options file by retrieving it from Gaudis Random Service. Fixes #38 - Use
for handling arguments in converter script - Cleanup testing of
handling and EOF.
- Make it possible to set the random seed that is used for the
2022-03-14 Placido Fernandez Declara (PR#71)
- Add support for multi-threading with LCIO input only
- Add example Gaudi steering file on how to run in parallel
- Add documentation for multi-threading