.files, sensible hacker defaults for macOS. If you're curious how to setup your own dotfiles, please visit Mathias Bynens's dotfiles and Mike McQuaid's strap project to learn more.
Before setting up a new computer, check the old one:
- Reevaluate the
file. - Double check that all repositories are synced.
- Reevaluate the
Install Xcode command line tools:
xcode-select --install
Generate new SSH key, add to ssh-agent and upload to GitHub.
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"
Install Homebrew and dependencies and then install dependencies with
Bootstrap macOS defaults.
Setup FileVault to encrypt the startup disk. Remember to first change the computer name.
Install the dotfiles into the home directory.
Follow the instructions here to install hyperzsh theme for oh my zsh. The theme is already set in the .zshrc within this repo.
Setup settings sync in Visual Studio Code.
Install third-party libraries with npm:
Disable load remote content in messages in mail application.
Disable "Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices" and set "Recent items" to "None" in general settings.
Delete message after 30 days in Message.app preferences.
Enable ask for password immediately after sleep or screen saver beings in security and privacy settings.
Install any remaining software updates:
sudo softwareupdate --install --all
Setup Internet Accounts.
Sync Brave Browser settings.
Install the following apps from the App Store:
- Dato
- Lungo
- Pixelmator Pro
- System Color Picker