tenant_union_developers Public
Searching for tenant union-related repositories & trying to connect developers.
UpdatedSep 5, 2023 -
starter-flask-api Public
Forked from cyclic-software/starter-flask-apiCyclic Flask Api Starter
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 7, 2023 -
Vinebrook apartments clustered by proximity whose addresses contain the word "Cincinnati"
UpdatedOct 6, 2022 -
Vinebrook neighbors clustered together with code enforcements filed since Vinebrook bough the place and number of voters registered.
UpdatedOct 6, 2022 -
Network graph of neighbors within ~700 ft of each other as the crow flies (not necessarily along a street).
HTML UpdatedOct 6, 2022 -
Cincinnati city councilor donations from 2021 race, excluding donations candidates made to themselves.
UpdatedSep 7, 2022 -
city_councilor_donations Public
Map of city councilort donations in 2021 race by neighborhood
UpdatedSep 6, 2022 -
Map of 2022 Cincinnati Councilors votes by precinct
UpdatedJul 10, 2022 -
What the name says. In Hamilton County, OH.
UpdatedJul 7, 2022 -
social_media_work Public
Analyzing different social media platforms' data.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 15, 2021 -
Voter_Predictions Public
Predict likelihood of voter turnout and support of Issue 3 in the 2021 Cincinnati May 4 primary.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 19, 2021 -
Evictions Public
Python scripts to help tenants fight evictions
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 9, 2020 -
Scrape a set of craiglist pages for posts, continue checking those posts at a regular interval to scrape new posts, sort the images of those posts into similar groups.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 30, 2020 -
OhioVoterMaps Public
Given a voter data file of an Ohio county, returns a map of registered voters and a partisanship map for each census tract in the county.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 30, 2020 -
Voter-File-EDA Public
Takes a voter file from the Ohio SOS website, then:
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 29, 2020 -
Naive-Bayes-Classifiers Public
Processes Sentiment140 data (http://help.sentiment140.com/for-students) through a set of Naive Bayes classifiers, attempting to determine which results in the most accurate classification model.