I have developed an ecommerce website for optical store. Integrated payment gateways i.e. Stripe Payment & PayPal. It can take custom requirements for lenses, prescription for lenses, User Authentication and Order tracking system with all basic ecommerce functionality. I have used Django for backend.
- Clone/pull/download this repository
- Create a virtualenv with
virtualenv env
and install dependencies withpip install -r requirements.txt
- Configure your .env variables
- Rename your project with
python manage.py rename <yourprojectname> <newprojectname>
- Add Project Secret Key for Project and Stripe Payment Gateway
This project includes:
- Settings modules for deploying with Azure
- Django commands for renaming your project and creating a superuser
- A cli tool for setting environment variables for deployment
- Front page
- Product Detail page
- Cart Summary page
- Lenses Requirements page
- Checkout page