This is a project for the subjects "Laboratory 4" and "Systems Metodology I" for the degree "Senior Technician in Programming".
A website for online managment and sale of recreational events, the site would allow an administrator to load events, dates, seats for each event, and all info requied to make a sale.
The user can register/login and purchase a ticket for an event online.
More info in the documentation.
- Zurb Foundation (
- Class names MUST be declared in StudlyCaps.
- Class constants MUST be declared in all upper case with underscore separators.
- Method names MUST be declared in camelCase.
- PHPMailer (
Used to mail tickets to clients when sale is done. Expects a SMTP server.
- Chillerlan - Php-Qrcode (
Used to generate Qrcodes for tickets each time they are loaded. Min PHP ver 7.2
- Karriere - Json-Decoder (
Used to decode Json while supplying a Class and/or Sub-Classes. Capable of making a class public temporarly while decoding.
- Sweet Alert (
Javascript alerts with many options and visually better than the default.
- Proof of concept for complete automated object creation for magic set (__set) in EventByDateManagementController, line 71
- More security info for password in AccountController, line 131