This is an example publication, written in Python with the Flask framework. The same example can also be seen in:
The working publication (using the Ruby code) can be subscribed to on BERG Cloud Remote.
The publication will deliver a new image to your Little Printer every weekday for 174 days, from the 1658 book 'The History of Four-Footed Beasts and Serpents'.
By default the application is run with DEBUG=False
. To change this create a file at lp-miniseries-example-python/settings.cfg
containing this:
DEBUG = True
environment variable to point to this:
$ export MINISERIES_SETTINGS=./settings.cfg
On Windows use this instead:
>set MINISERIES_SETTINGS=.\settings.cfg
Flask can be installed using pip:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
## Run it
Run the server with:
$ python
You can then visit these URLs:
Change the value of delivery_count
in the call to /edition/
to see other editions.
You can also try these URLs on the live example of the publication at .
BERG Cloud Developer documentation: