I recently made two new websites which had to be done fairly quickly (but still look good), be simple technically, be responsive, and be dynamic. There are many ways to do this but I settled on using Sinatra, Bootstrap, SASS and Compass, and this is how I stitched that together. This isn't groundbreaking, but it can be time-consuming to piece together different parts and work out what the conventions are and what sensible configuration is. So it might be useful for someone who wants to do something similar. You can see a skeleton of the project, with a few example pages, [on GitHub]( /example-sinatra-site). Get a copy and run it with:
$ git clone
$ cd example-sinatra-site
$ compass watch .
And in a new window, from the same directory:
$ rackup
The first command (compass watch .
) makes Compass monitor the SASS files (in
) for changes, at which point it compiles new CSS files (into
). The second (rackup
) runs the Sinatra webserver, so visiting should get you "Hello World". Let's look at each part.
If I was making a quick static site, I'd probably use Jekyll but usually there's at least one thing that needs some server-side processing. So, Berg being a Ruby place, I used Sinatra. Some notes on the structure and how it works:
There are two layouts in
as examples of using different general page structures. -
Each layout uses the same header and footer, both in
. -
Any changes made to views or
should automatically take effect when you reload a page, thanks to Sinatra::Reloader. -
contains the config, helper functions and routes for this example site. Delete or expand these as you need.-
There's a commented-out section that will let you add username/password authentication for a particular environment.
Add a Google Analytics ID and the
template will render the required JavaScript. -
There are two routes set up for
. The second is an example of a page that has some unique (stupidly simple) server-side stuff happening. -
There's a catch-all route for URLs that do nothing but render a view. Add new paths and page details to the hash, and then add matching views, to get them working. For example, if you want
to work as a URL, add this to thepages
hash:'projects/demo' => { :page_name => 'projects_demo', :title => 'Demo project', :layout => 'with_sidebar', },
And create a new view at views/projects_demo.erb
containing the main content
for that page. The :layout
is optional. If not set, the
layout will be used. Every page has a
unique @page_name
which is used to turn navigation etc on/off in the views.
They might also have a @page_title
, used in the <title></title>
tag and
visible on the page.
I feel defensive using Bootstrap's CSS [because it's so common]( using-twitter-bootstrap) these days. I often use it because:
- The responsive grid structure seems to work well.
- The default styles for forms, tables, etc are nicer than the usual browser defaults.
- We'd be restyling it from the default look.
- And we've used it for sites before so there were people here already familiar with it.
We don't want to include all of Bootstrap's CSS and JavaScript files, but only the bits we need. One way of doing this is to use the customise tool to download your own version, although that becomes a pain if you want to keep tweaking things.
(A top tip if you do use that tool though: when you download your files you'll
get a config.json
file. Paste the contents into a
Gist. Take the ID number from the Gist's URL and
add it to the URL of the Bootstrap customizer. eg, from
you get
. The customizer then loads
your settings. Nice.)
We're using Bootstrap-SASS (a mirror of the standard version which is based on Less). I haven't taken full advantage of SASS's powers, but it lets us:
- Easily add or remove Bootstrap components.
- Override some of the default Bootstrap colours, sizes, etc.
- Re-use common bits of CSS and set our own variables.
Edit CSS in the SASS files (in public/sass/
with .scss
extensions). These
are then compiled by Compass into one or more CSS files in public/css/
. Any
SASS file whose name starts with an underscore is not compiled to a CSS
file, so this is used to name included files. Here are our SASS files:
This will be compiled to styles.css
and included in pages. Styles in here
should be very specific to our site. You could, instead, have several files
like this, for different sections of the site, containing section-specific
CSS. This file imports…
This sets any common, generic styles and variables and, in turn, it imports…
This is a copy of the official [bootstrap.scss
]( sass/blob/master/vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/bootstrap.scss) with the
paths tweaked and any parts of Bootstrap we don't need commented
out. SASS then only includes the parts we need in the generated CSS file(s),
keeping it smaller. This file also imports…
The official _variables.scss
contains all the default Bootstrap values. In our local version we set any
values that we want to change. For example, the original _variables.scss
$body-bg: #fff !default;
If we want a different background color, we'd put something like:
$body-bg: #eee;
in our local _bootstrap_variables.scss
. The upshot of those four files is
that we can choose which components of Bootstrap to use (minimising our CSS
file size), set default values that Bootstrap uses to build its CSS, and set
our own styles afterwards. This lets us override any Bootstrap styles we want
in _base.scss
or styles.scss
. Alternatively, if you want to add a
Bootstrap style to a different element, SASS makes that easy. eg, to make
WordPress's comment textarea
look like a Bootstrap form element you need to
add the form-control
class to it. If you don't want to touch the HTML you
can add the form-control
class's styles to it:
.comment-form textarea {
@extend .form-control;
This applies all of .form-control
's styles to that textarea
If you need any of Bootstrap's JavaScript you'll either need to use the
customizer to download what you need, or
(as in this example) just use the complete JavaScript file. Either way, it
goes in public/js/
. Don't forget to enable the bits of Bootstrap CSS (in
) each JS component requires.
I find Compass's documentation baffling; I can
never find anything I need. But we're only using Compass for its ability to
watch some SASS files and compile them to CSS when something changes.
contains the configuration for Compass, telling it where to find
and put things, and what format to generate CSS in. You might not need to
touch this, but here's the Compass configuration reference.
contains the HTML templates. You'll need to change stuff here, but
it's enough to display something for our quick example.
This isn't perfect. A few things I've subsequently wondered about:
It seems like overkill to use Compass only for compiling the SCSS files, when it's designed to do so much more. Why not just use SASS itself:
$ sass --watch public/sass:public/css
The other benefit we get from Compass is that it lets us turn bits of Bootstrap on and off from the Bootstrap gem. We could get rid of Compass, download a copy of Bootstrap SASS and include its files directly. I'm not sure if this is simpler or more complicated.
Given how smoothly the SASS is compiled into a single CSS file, it seems clunky that the JavaScript isn't handled similarly, including turning bits of Bootstrap's JS on or off. Is there a simple way to do this? Initially I thought Compass would do this too, but it seems not…?
I'm currently transferring a website made using this structure into a Rails
app. If I was to do this again I would have created some Sinatra helpers that
mirror Rails helpers. For example, you could make a link_to()
calls to which would survive transfer to Rails. I'd have done similar with
and other simple tags I'd have used in Rails. Maybe I could also
have done something that wouldn't mean me needing to translate things that
rely on @page_name
in this Sinatra app. Unless I was to also use
in Rails... Maybe I could fake params[:controller]
in the
Sinatra app in a way that would survive the transfer...? Before long I'd end
up trying to turn Sinatra into Rails which seems a little beyond the scope of
this project. Any suggestions for what could be done better are very welcome!