A tiny command-line utility for generating PNG files from LaTeX snippets. The entrypoint is ./latex2png
$ echo 'Hello! Would you like a slice of $ \pi $?' | l2p
Let's assume we have the following file:
$ cat res/example.tex-snippet
The best equation is $ e^{i\pi} = -1 $! It uses $ e^{x+iy} = e^x\left(\cos{y} + i\sin{y}\right) $.
This program uses stdin/stdout by default. For example, to write a LaTeX snippet to res/example.png
, you could do
$ cat res/example.tex-snippet | ./latex2png > res/example.png
In order to generate this snippet:
It's also useful to pipe this directly to your clipboard. You can do that with
$ cat res/example.tex-snippet | ./latex2png | xclip -selection c -t image/png -i # Ubuntu
$ cat res/example.tex-snippet | ./latex2png | pbcopy # MacOS
To get the most out of this, we could add the following to our .bashrc
(on Linux)
l2p() {
/path/to/latex2png/latex2png "$@" | xclip -selection c -t image/png -i
Then we'll be able to get a snippet into our system clipboard with just
$ cat res/example.tex-snippet | l2p
To use filepaths, you can pass -i $input_file
and -o $output_file
, as in
$ ./latex2png -i res/example.tex-snippet -o res/example.png
For the full API, check
$ ./latex2png --help
To install on MacOS or Debian-based systems, run
If you'd like to add support for another operating system, just open an issue or submit a pull request :^).
If you have any problems, feel free to file an issue!