Build electron and node application on Steam Runtime (Ubuntu 18.04)
- Similar to
- Based on recent Steam Runtime Soldier
- Steam Runtime Scout was too old for such scenario, hard to get good python >= 3.6, gcc 4.9, node 14, ...)
- Most debian 12.x repo were outdated/removed, making any dependency a hassle to install
- Design to build electron or node native for Steam Linux
- add
nodejs 16.x
- add
- add
FROM kefniark/steamrt-soldier-nodegyp:latest
# Install deps
RUN npm install --global yarn
# Copy code
COPY . .
# Install / Build (run your code)
RUN yarn install --frozen-lockfile
RUN yarn build
docker build -t kefniark/steamrt-soldier-nodegyp:latest .
docker push kefniark/steamrt-soldier-nodegyp:latest
docker compose up --build