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Releases: kefirfromperm/kefirbb

Fix for Android

20 Aug 08:40
Choose a tag to compare

#45 Crash by java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException

Some fixes

13 Jun 13:41
Choose a tag to compare
  • #43 Safe HTML processor gets stuck or runs very slow
  • #44 URLs with dashes not recognised as valid.

Textile and Markdown

03 May 06:31
Choose a tag to compare
  • Full support of Textile TxStyle.
  • Partial support of Markdown Markdown Syntax.
  • New tags for URL and Email — <url/>, <email/>.
  • The conditional tag <if name="...">...</if> in templates.
  • Logging. It supports logging by slf4j now.

New line tags

03 May 06:35
Choose a tag to compare
  • New tags for new line, line end and blank line — <bol/>, <eol/>, <blankline/>.
  • Ghost elements in pattern. You can mark an element as ghost and offset will not be changed after the element is parsed.
  • Variable actions — rewrite by default, append, check.
  • You can set a few patterns in a code.


03 May 06:40
Choose a tag to compare
  • Package name was changed to
  • Add a feature ignore case in patterns.
  • Performance improvement.
  • Add a control of nesting tags to prevent a java.lang.StackOverflowError.
  • Add a configuration for HTML filtration.