Demonstration of only receiving FIND_NODE messages on the DHT streams.
This example uses Typescript and ts-node and can be ran using npm start
My objective is to passively intercept ADD_PROVIDER messages in order to discover new CIDs. Unfortunately I only ever see ADD_NODE messages on the KAD DHT streams.
The simplest way I can demonstrate this is to override the /ipfs/kad/1.0.0
protocol handler and then call the real one.
// hijack wan kad protocol handler
'/ipfs/kad/1.0.0', //
], async props => {
const peerId = props.connection.remotePeer
console.log(`DHT stream opened to ${peerId.toB58String()}`)
await pipe(,
(source: AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>) => (async function * () {
for await (const msg of source) {
const message = Message.decode(msg.slice())
if (message.type === null || message.type === undefined) continue
console.log(`Message type is ${MESSAGE_TYPE_LOOKUP[message.type]}`)
if (message.type === Message.MessageType.ADD_PROVIDER) {
console.log('ADD_PROVIDER message FOUND!!!')
// Call default libp2p-kad-dht handler
const res = await node._dht._wan._rpc.handleMessage(peerId, message)
if (res) yield res.serialize()