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Get 1.0 (RC2)

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@kean kean released this 11 Jul 02:54
· 119 commits to main since this release

Get 1.0 is a big release that brings it on par with Moya+Alamofire while still keeping its API surface small and focused. This release also includes new reworked documentation generated using DocC, and many other improvements.

The first major change is the addition of two new parameters the existing send method: delegate and configure:

public func send<T: Decodable>(
    _ request: Request<T>,
    delegate: URLSessionDataDelegate? = nil,
    configure: ((inout URLRequest) -> Void)? = nil
) async throws -> Response<T>

With delegate, you can modify the behavior of the underlying task, monitor the progress, etc. And with the new configure closure, you get access to the entire URLRequest API:

let user = try await client.send(.get("/user")) {
    $0.cachePolicy = .reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData

The second major change is the addition of new methods: upload(...) for uploading data from a file and download(...) for downloading data to a file.

let response = try await .get("/user"))
let fileURL = response.location

try await client.upload(for: .post("/avatar"), fromFile: fileURL)


  • Add a delegate parameter to send() method that sets task-specific URLSessionDataDelegate - #38
  • Add configure parameter to send() method that allows configuring URLRequest before it is sent
  • Add support for downloading to a file with a new download(for:delegate:configure:) method - #40
  • Add support for uploading data from a file with a new upload(for:withFile:delegate:configure:) method
  • Add an option to do more than one retry attempt using the reworked client(_:shouldRetryRequest:attempts:error:) delegate method (the method with an old signature is deprecated)
  • Add client(_:validateResponse:data:request:) to APIClientDelegate that allows to customize validation logic
  • Add client(_:makeURLForRequest:) method to APIClientDelegate to address #35
  • Add task, originalRequest, currentRequest to Response
  • Add APIClient/makeURLRequest(for:) method to the client in case you need to create URLRequest without initiating the download
  • Add a way to override Content-Type and Accept headers using session httpAdditionalHeaders and Request headers
  • Add new Request factory methods that default to Void as a response type and streamline the existing methods
  • Add withResponse(_:) to allow changing request's response type
  • Add sessionDelegateQueue parameter to APIClient.Configuration
  • Add support for sessionDelegate from APIClient.Configuration on Linux
  • Add public configuration and session properties to APIClient
  • Rename Request/path to Request/url making it clear that absolute URLs are also supported
  • Improve decoding/encoding performance by using Task.detached instead of using a separate actor for serialization
  • Remove send() -> Response<T?> variant
  • Remove APIs deprecated in previous versions


  • Fix an issue with paths that don't start with "/" not being appended to the baseURL
  • Fix an issue with empty path not working. It is now treated the same way as "/"

Non-Code Changes

  • Hide dependencies used only in test targets
  • Documentation is now generated using DocC and is hosted on GitHub Pages
  • Perform grammar check on CI