The script extracts nighttime land surface temperature (LST) in Celsius for specific geographic points over a given time range using MODIS data. It handles missing data gracefully and outputs the results to the GEE console and as a downloadable CSV file for further analysis.
Key Features
MODIS/061/MOD11A1 (Terra LST).
Nighttime temperature band: LST_Night_1km.
Filtered to the date range: 2024-01-01 to 2025-01-01 (customizable).
Points of Interest:
Geographical points are defined as a FeatureCollection.
Each point has a name property for identification. In the script, one point is defined:
Point 3: Kolkata, India ([88.3639, 22.5726]).
More points can be added as needed.
Temperature Extraction:
Converts LST from Kelvin to Celsius using the formula: LST_Celsius = (LST_Night_1km * 0.02) - 273.15.
Handles missing or null values in the data gracefully by assigning null to invalid entries.
Exporting Results:
Outputs valid data to the console.
Exports results as a CSV file to Google Drive for further analysis.