This repo contains a neural network built from scratch in Python. This project is more of a learning exercise for myself than anything else, and I intend to continue adding features as I find time / motivation / when I get bored./src/sandbox
contains the source code, /examples
contains (you guessed it) examples of model usage, and gradient_check.ipynb
contains gradient checking code to ensure the model is working correctly.
Install the package: python -m pip install -e <path to /src>
Import required packages:
from sandbox import activations, costs, initializers, layers, model, optimizers, utils
Create the model:
model = model.Model(cuda=True)
Add layers to the model:
model.add(layers.Dense(units=20, activation=activations.ReLU()))
model.add(layers.Dense(units=7, activation=activations.ReLU()))
model.add(layers.Dense(units=5, activation=activations.ReLU()))
model.add(layers.Dense(units=1, activation=activations.Sigmoid(), initializer=initializers.he_uniform))
Configure the model:
Train the model:
Predict with the model:
prediction = model.predict(input)
Save / load model parameters:'parameters.json', dir='')
model.load(name='parameters.json', dir='')
Print model summary:
Helper functions found in \src\sandbox\
- Configure all modules to use CuPy instead of NumPy, running on Cuda cores.gradient_check(model, X, Y, epsilon=1e-4)
- Evaluates the correctness of the gradient calculation. Low returned values (less than epsilon squared) indicate that the gradient was computed correctly.train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.2)
- Returns (train_x, train_y), (test_x, test_y), test_size specifies the proportion of features to be used in the test dataset.shuffle(X, Y)
- Shuffles features and labels in unison.binary_round(Y)
- Rounds binary classification output.evaluate(Y_pred, Y)
- Given labels and predictions, returns proportion of correct prediction, works for binary or multiclass classification.one_hot(Y, num_classes)
- One-hot encodes labels.argmax(Y)
- Returns argmax of labels (index of highest value in each sample prediction).
Reinforcement Learning
- pong_rl (Not finished - Model not trained)
Binary Classification
- cat_classifier
- pizza_classifier
- point_classifier
Multiclass Classification
- iris_classifier
- mnist_classifier
- diabetes_prediction
- mpg_estimator
Activation Functions
- Linear
- Sigmoid
- Softmax
- ReLU
- LeakyReLU
- Tanh
- ELU (Exponential Linear Units)
- SELU (Scaled Exponential Linear Units)
- SLU (Sigmoid Linear Units)
- Softplus
- Softsign
- BentIdentity
- Gaussian
- Arctan
- PiecewiseLinear
Cost Functions
- BinaryCrossentropy
- CategoricalCrossentropy
- MSE (Mean Squared Error)
- MAE (Mean Absolute Error)
- zeros
- ones
- normal
- uniform
- glorot_normal
- glorot_uniform (default)
- he_normal
- he_uniform
Layer Types
- Dense
- Dropout
- SGD (default)
- Momentum
- RMSProp
- Adam
- AdaGrad
- Reinforcement learning example
- L2 Regularization
- Support for validation sets
- 2D convolutional layers
Most (if not all) of the shorthand notation in the code is taken from Andrew Ng.
- X - Inputs
- Y - Labels
- A - Activated neuron values
- AL - Output layer values
- Z - Pre-activation neuron values
- W, b - Weight matrix, bias vector
- d<W, b, A, AL> - Derivative of value with respect to cost
- m - Number of training samples