xautocomplete with multiple options test project
Following data/code is working in the project source code. Check the code and run it and it should show up as the xautocomplete documents explain.
Schemas.quick_qoll = new SimpleSchema({
name: {
type: String,
label: "Send To",
regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Email,
max: 500
<template name="quick_qoll">
{{#autoForm schema=quickQollSchema id="quickQollForm" type="method" meteormethod="sendEmail"}}
{{> afQuickField type="xautocomplete" xmultiple=true
formid="quickQollForm" name="name"
renderKey="name" fieldref="email" call="fetch_my_emails"
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
<button type="reset" class="btn btn-default">Reset</button>
<template name="quick_qoll_send_to">
<td class="qoll-auto-complete">{{this.name}} <b>{{this.email}}</b></td>
quickQollSchema: function() {
return Schemas.quick_qoll;
renderQollToEmails = function(x) {
// qlog.info('called render qoll to emails method', filename);
return Blaze.toHTMLWithData(Template.quick_qoll_send_to, x);
// return x.email + x.name;
renderQollToEmailsCb = function(x) {
// qlog.info('Called the render-to-qoll-emails callback', filename);
// console.log(x);
if(!Authors.findOne({})) {
Authors.insert ({_id: '0', name: 'Richard Dawkins', email:'[email protected]'});
Authors.insert ({_id: '1', name: 'Daniel Dennet', email:'[email protected]'});
Authors.insert ({_id: '2', name: 'Charles Darwin', email:'[email protected]'});
Authors.insert ({_id: '3', name: 'Ram Rahim', email:'[email protected]'});
Authors.insert ({_id: '4', name: 'Kabir Das', email:'[email protected]'});
Authors.insert ({_id: '5', name: 'Mahatma Gandhi', email:'[email protected]'});
Authors.insert ({_id: '6', name: 'Munshi Premchandra', email:'[email protected]'});
Authors.insert ({_id: '7', name: 'Kalidas', email:'[email protected]'});
fetch_my_emails: function(query){
console.info("Getting emails of all friends for Query: " + query, filename);
if(query.search(/,/) != -1) {
var query = split(query);
query = query[query.length-1];
console.info('Extracted query string from multiple is - ' + query, filename);
var results = new Array();
if(query != '') {
var user_emails = Authors.find({'name': {$regex: '^.*'+query+'.*$', $options: 'i'}}, {'name' : 1, 'email' : 1}).fetch();
results.push({'name' : ue.name, 'email' : ue.email});
// console.info('Result till this point - ' + JSON.stringify(results), filename);
return results;
var split = function(val){
return val.split( /,\s*/ );