A WIP upgrade of Extended Video Export for GTA V. (original can be found here, all credit goes to ali-alidoust).
- DirectXTex
- PolyHook2
- OpenEXR 3.0
- zlib
- ffmpeg
You'll need Visual Studio 2015 2019 or higher to open the project file and the Script Hook V SDK extracted into "/gta5-extended-video-export".
In addition, packages must be installed through vcpkg due to NuGet not having the newest versions of the packages listed above.
vcpkg install directxtex[openexr]:x64-windows
vcpkg install polyhook2:x64-windows
vcpkg install zlib:x64-windows
vcpkg install yara:x64-windows
vcpkg install ffmpeg[core,zlib,xml2,x265,x264,webp,vpx,vorbis,version3,swresample,swscale,speex,soxr,snappy,sdl2,opus,postproc,openjpeg,opengl,opencl,nvcodec,mp3lame,lzma,ilbc,iconv,gpl,freetype,fribidi,fontconfig,ffprobe,ffmpeg,fdk-aac,dav1d,avresample,avformat,avfilter,avcodec,aom]:x64-windows
Contributions to the project are welcome. Please use GitHub pull requests.