- DICOM toolkit
- Perl
The following installation should be run by the $lorisadmin user. sudo permission is required. See aces/Loris README.md for further information and Loris installation information.
Create directories
sudo mkdir -p /data/$projectname/bin/mri sudo chown -R lorisadmin:lorisadmin /data/$projectname cd /data/$projectname/bin git clone https://github.com/aces/Loris-MRI.git mri
Install Dicom-archive within the mri/ directory (created by the git clone command):
cd /data/$projectname/bin/mri/ git submodule init git submodule sync git submodule update
Run installer to install MINC & DICOM toolkits, Perl libraries, configure environment, and setup directories:
cd /data/$projectname/bin/mri/ ./imaging_install.sh
You will be asked for the following input:
- What is the database name? $dbname
- What is the database host? $dbhost
- What is the MySQL user? $lorisuser
- What is the MySQL password?
- What is the Linux user which the installation will be based on? $lorisadmin
- What is the project name? $projectname
- What is your email address?
- What prod file name would you like to use? default: prod [leave blank]
- Enter the list of Site names (space separated) site1 site2
Ensure that /home/$lorisadmin/.bashrc includes the statements:
source /data/$projectname/bin/mri/environment
Installation complete. For customizations & protocol configurations, see LORIS Imaging Setup Guide.