I'm a people-first developer who loves to connect and collaborate on projects. Nothing gets me more excited than being given a fresh set of designs to implement. Capturing all the pixel-perfect details is where I thrive. Figma + Storybook + React is my jam.
I have work experience at both startups and consultancy. In a startup I got to be a full-stack engineer, quality engineer, and a designer. From that experience I found that I gravitated towards frontend development even though I can create a layout design and fix bugs on the backend. I got the opportunity to refine my frontend abilities when I joined an Agile team at a consultancy. I loved the processes, the feedback, and cross-functional collaboration on that team. If you know of a role where I can flex my skills on the frontend or you want to just talk tech, let's connect!
Check out my blog: The Precise Dev
🔭 I’m currently working on a React website & mobile app for a startup.
🌱 I’m currently learning React Native.
💬 Ask me about my experience with coding bootcamp & mentoring a coding bootcamp student.
📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn
⚡ Fun fact: I was a ballet instructor before getting into tech. 🩰
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