A CLI program that pulls information from Pokémon in the Kanto Region (1-151)
This program allows a user to search for a Pokémon (by either name or number) and pull information such as Evolution Information, Height, Weight, etc. All data is retrieved from PokéAPI (https://pokeapi.co/) (https://github.com/PokeAPI).
Pokémon 1-151 (Bulbasaur - Mew) will have data available to be retrieved. Data will be pulled from the "Let's Go" games as they are the latest Kanto games. Functionality to choose which game to pull data from will come later, and more Pokémon will be able to searched for.
Name: {name}
Dex #: {nat_dex_num}
Abilities: {list_of_abilities}
Types: {list_of_types}
Moveset: {list_of_moves}
Create a Python Virtual Environment using:
python3 -m venv .env
Activate it on Mac using:
source env/bin/activate
On Windows:
env/Scripts/activate.bat //In CMD
env/Scripts/Activate.ps1 //In Powershell
Install the dependencies using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
PokéAPI was created by Paul Hallett (https://github.com/phalt) and others. Pokémon and Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo.