- SUP-2721 Spinner keeps spinning upon pre-roll ad load
- SUP-2689 V2 Player Issue - no play pause feature on top of the video
- PS-1649 Preroll tracking events
- PLAT-1841 Live Anayltics: player doesn't send bitrate within the live collect event
- KMS-3742 Global search: Search in video - Jump to desired time
- FEC-2002 iPhone + iOS8 doesn't play video (Kaltura embeds)
- FEC-1975 Replay: after video finished, the spinner appears until replay button pressed -Android
- FEC-1953 Vast and video with cuepoint - Video stops when add should start playing
- FEC-1943 Player - Live slides & Sync
- FEC-1937 Ad blocking enabled sends false ad events
- FEC-1931 Intercept seek calls on iPhone durring ads and rewind to original position.
- FEC-1888 maxAllowedFSBitrate and maxAllowedRegularBitrate not working in V2 player
- FEC-1830 Bitrate changing event doesn't send
- FEC-1631 support external provider captions