3.0.0 (2017-09-25)
Bug Fixes
entry related files - detect file type upon selection (25b9289 )
administration: update screens accorind to new design (49df64d )
center login screen vertically in all resolutions (5e19ed8 )
content-entries: created on header should come from localization instead of being hard-coded (5885399 )
content-entries: don't confirm chunk operation on bulk delete (ebceb15 )
content-entries: fix bulk dropdown position (4fb75d0 )
content-entries: fix bulk menu misplaced position (68e5835 )
content-entries: fix chunk size environment constant to be 50 (0e30ad2 )
content-entries: hook delete icon to delete operation (418f7fc )
content-entries: replace loading spinner with designed spinner (4896d04 )
content-entries: rpopup-widget style (8ea88d1 )
content-entries: rpopup-widget style (ba85b50 )
content-entries: set preferences window close button onside the window (8361ff6 )
content-entry: add caption UI alignment (3811409 )
content-entry: default sort by thumbnail dimensions (48d0006 )
content-entry: disable preview & Embed link for entries with status other than "ready" (bb913a1 )
content-entry: fix calendar style (75b5231 )
content-entry: fix calendar style (c5f3577 )
content-entry: fix file types for flavour upload (video and audio) (386dc4b )
move search icon to theme repository (6009faf )
content-entry: fix landing page link when containing {entryId} (d7ac748 )
allow more space for caption file name on caption upload (b8e823e )
beter condition for entry instance checking (d0f06bd )
entries table style fix (4ffdc2f )
entry captions - allow selecting DFXP files (0752a25 )
entry scheduling - allow calendar popup to overflow the entry details component so it won't get cut in low resolutions (97cc99f )
entry scheduling - allow editing of date and time. Allow overflow of calendar popup (3617484 )
entry scheduling - clear dates marks the form as dirty (17aa1db )
entry scheduling - set time zone syntax fix (28ce05e )
fix change owner popup layout (height, margins) in entry details and bulk operation. Fix bug causing a crash when adding tooltip to the selected owner. (4681097 )
fix compilation issues due to merge (8c62d15 )
fix IE11 entry details screen width issue (panel exceeds screen width) (a042ae1 )
fixed logic in get entry operation (abc6099 )
fixed styles for flavors table (00f492f )
fixed styles for flavors tags using a pipe (a047320 )
prevent double confirmation when navigating between entries with unsaved data (bbf27ba )
prevent ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError error when initializing the edit panel (c3681c5 )
redirect to login when navigating to the root (118e688 )
resolve symlink version for workspace development (52cb29c )
runtime issue when navigating to default route (789989b )
typescript trnaspile errors during deployment to production (f937423 )
typo in label (9424aa5 )
update label for upload button (94d2442 )
use new api provided by kaltura-ui for the form-manager module (5be9d46 )
verify leave entry details when data is not saved (a0bd1b1 )
content-entry: prevent VOD playback of live entries when video broadcast is offline (entry preview panel) (8f6d08b )
content-entry: set preview panel tooltips placement to the left (f29c15d )
content-entry: set preview panel tooltips placement to the left (ab38a16 )
content-entry: set the default access control profile to be the first option in the drop-down list (abe88a2 )
content-entry: support line breaks in access control profile description (c9300f7 )
content-playlists: display an alert when trying to create a rule-based playlist instead of using the area blocker message (6615ea6 )
settings-account-settings: fix form styles (466a222 )
shell: move sherad configuration outside of environments/environment (48556d9 )
Code Refactoring
use angular-cli during the deployment process (a31dd05 )
administration-roles: add roles list, role edit/add/duplicate/delete. missing roles permission modification (bcc79e5 )
content: entries bulk operations for delete, change owner, remove from category, download, access control (c386c3d )
content: support categories list actions like reload, pagination and sorting (2a32ca2 )
content-categories: add category details view (layout & basic functionality only) (966d178 )
content-categories: show categories list with basic implementation (c220a6a )
content-entries: placeholders for missing bulk actions (add to new category, add to new playlist) (ec8864a )
content-playlists: add new playlist wizard (currently support only manual playlist) (9cdd1a1 )
content-playlists: add section list navigation panel, show playlist details and loading notifications (40496cb )
content-playlists: bulk delete of playlists (25a877a )
add categories app (currently without content) and adjust the application routing accordingly (fb40452 )
add growl support as part of the app services (cf7d8b5 )
add high speed upload link and fix upload window text labels (0524232 )
add login form, forgot password form, password expired and invalid login hash views (0b1368b )
add npm script to easily checkout to the latest standalone commit (0ca67e1 )
add studio (load in production build only) (67a0597 )
add tool to extract dependency licenses (0ca3649 )
allow app minification by removing constraints on function names (e7051e5 )
notify the user that caption language is used when caption label is set to empty (ca18dcc )
playlist navigation between sections and warn when leaving before changes were saved (eb37e66 )
show upload menu when user clicks on the upload button in the application header (57b4a79 )
support auto-complete color and tooltip for manually added items (31ebf26 )
support confirmation multi lines message (f060a6d )
content/playlists: add playlist metadata section supporting data loading and saving (79290b5 )
support external media entries (7c8e1ea )
support language file hash to bypass browser cache upon application upgrade (3b102dd )
upgrade PrimeNG to v4.1.0 (7ca9be2 )
Performance Improvements
import kaltura-typescript-client object explicitly to bundle only elements being used (#163 ) (9597b5e )
upgrade PrimeNG version to 4.1.3 to gain datagrid performances enhancements (a459304 )
To support the angular-cli process we performed some adjustments:
kaltura ng libraries were renamed from @kaltura-ng2
to @kaltura-ng
kaltura ng libraries build process uses ngc instead of tsc.
kaltura typescript client lib types/all
imports were changed to import types explicitly.
kaltura theme was moved from the repo outside to a separated theme repo. previously imported theme from ~kmcng-theme/scss/variables
. use app-styles/_variables.scss
the configuration data was merged into angular-cli environment infrastructure and is now accessible by importing environment
from app-environment
kmc-shell was moved into app-shared
css class kUseKMCngIcons
was replaced with kOverrideFAIcons
You can’t perform that action at this time.